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Categoría: Conversando

Daily prayer Thursday. September 17, 2020. God is your strength and hope. Blessing, and serenity prayer with the daily prayers of faith

Daily prayer for Thursday. September 17, 2020. Serenity prayer.

When we pray the daily prayer for September 17, 2020, we will implore God to give extra strength to all of us who are tired and afflicted. Many of us may be involved in a routine spiral these days, but God has made each of us strong. In the serenity prayer for today, Thursday, we find a numerous source of testimonies that invite us to continue to do things, to advance towards the desired goal. May we find in these prayers for healing the courage to do it well.

"Yahweh is enthroned for ever, keeping his throne firm for judgement; he will himself judge the world in uprightness, will give a true verdict on the nations. May Yahweh be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble! Those who revere your name can rely on you, you never desert those who seek you, Yahweh." (Psalms 9:7-10 - New Jerusalem Bible).

Guide to daily prayer.

Below you can consult each of the sections of the daily prayer in this outline. Ideally, it should be followed step by step.

Time for the Daily Prayer.

Talking to God through daily prayer for Thursday, September 17, helps us to have a clear thought about where we should look for strength. Meditate on the reflection for Thursday, and let us find our courage amid the ups and downs of our lives.

Daily prayer for Thursday.

My Lord, how immense is your love. You receive me even though many times I have turned my back on you. I want everything I do, to do it for love of You. Give me your wisdom and direction to fulfill my tasks and give the best of me. Even if I fail, I know that you will sustain me. Give me healing and inner peace. Help me to grow in my spiritual life. Amen. (This daily prayer Thursday belongs to our serenity prayer devotional of 2020)

Daily prayer for September 17, 2020.

We dispose our heart to God´s love and raise our eyes to Heaven, seeking the serenity prayer that our soul needs for this Thursday, September 17, 2020

My Lord, You are pure compassion, the faithful friend who does not reproach; but You receive with love and offer ways of hope for those who seek You. You welcome all sinners with love and comfort; you do not show yourself as a judge, but you show your meek face by giving forgiveness by being compassionate. I want to imitate you, to love and serve you in the same way, and for that I need your blessing, that strength which impels me to act according to your precepts.

I can appreciate my God that, the forgiveness you give is not a barter, you do not force anyone to love you immediately, but it is a clear invitation to open the heart to love. My God, only You can fill my soul with purity, that purity which I need to receive all with charity, without prejudice, giving the best of myself. You have forgiven me innumerable sins, and likewise I must give that forgiveness to others, to all who have offended me.

My God, help me to understand that, forgiveness is the badge of your Kingdom, the gift you give me to learn to love more, the most powerful vitamin to make my soul grow. Come my beloved and pour out all the delights of Heaven that you have prepared for those who live and practice your love, your mercy and your forgiveness. Amen

In this serenity prayer, Sacred Heart of Jesus, in You, I trust my routine, I trust You with my attitudes and my answers. I want to give the best of myself, so that others may know that, through my actions, You live within me. I love You. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Now, in this daily prayer, let us ask for the loving and motherly intercession of Mary Most Holy and tell her with all our hearts:

Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Reflection for today, Thursday, September 17, 2020.

In this daily prayer for Thursday, let us reflect on the words of the Pope Francis to get serenity.

"Within these various forms, I would stress too that the “genius of woman” is seen in feminine styles of holiness, which are an essential means of reflecting God’s holiness in this world. Indeed, in times when women tended to be most ignored or overlooked, the Holy Spirit raised up saints whose attractiveness produced new spiritual vigour and important reforms in the Church. We can mention Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Bridget, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. But I think too of all those unknown or forgotten women who, each in her own way, sustained and transformed families and communities by the power of their witness". (Pope Francis Gaudete et exsultate, I.12.)

Daily Prayer intentions for September 17.

The serenity prayer of September 17 is an encounter with the life force of a relationship with God. Through this offering of our time and space, He is giving us much more than we can offer. In this daily prayer for Thursday with the reflection for today, we find healing. Leave your prayer intentions in the comments, whatever you want to say, express, your feelings, everything is valid. God listens to us, reads to us, and we are sure that he answers us. We will join you in your requests. May the healing prayers grant you peace and good for you and your family. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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