Daily prayer for Thursday. September 24, 2020. God is your strength and hope. Blessing, and serenity prayer with daily prayers of faith and trust in God
Daily prayer for Thursday. September 24, 2020. Serenity prayer.
When we pray the daily prayer for September 24, 2020, we will implore God to give extra strength to all of us who are tired and afflicted. God has made each of us strong. In the serenity prayer for Thursday, we find a numerous source of testimonies that invite us to advance towards the desired goal. We must know that we are called to live in God´s love, but also in fidelity to his commands. In the difficulties of the journey, keep seeking the Lord to give you the direction and strength you need. He is not a Father who allows us to use our resources. May we find in these prayers for healing the courage to do it well.
"For the high priest (Jesus) we have is not incapable of feeling our weaknesses with us, but has been put to the test in exactly the same way as ourselves, apart from sin. Let us, then, have no fear in approaching the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace when we are in need of help." (Hebrews, 4:15-16 - New Jerusalem Bible).
Guide to daily prayer.
Below you can consult each of the sections of the daily prayer for Thursday in this outline. Ideally, it should be followed step by step.
Time for the Daily Prayer.
Talking to God through daily prayer for Thursday, September 24, helps us to have a clear thought about where we should look for strength. Meditate on the reflection for Thursday, and let us find our courage amid the ups and downs of our lives. Through this moment in serenity prayer, think about this: "Be faithful and God will always remain at your side to comfort and protect you. Don´t be afraid of any difficult situation, as He enables you to achieve your purposes. "God is both refuge and strength for us, a help always ready in trouble" (Psalms, 46:1)".
Serenity prayer for September 24, 2020.
Father of love, I come to You to thank You for the gift of life. I feel more alive than ever by your side. Although, little by little I am getting rid of my limitations, I am reaching that potential to which you have called me. I pray that You continue to act with power in my life. Free me from everything that stops me from growing in strength and spiritual peace. May I be able to resist the assaults of the enemy who tries at all costs to trip me up. Your strength supports me. I feel no fear. I walk safely with firm steps. Amen. (This daily prayer Thursday belongs to our serenity prayer devotional of 2020)
Daily prayer for Thursday.
We dispose our heart to God´s love and raise our eyes to Heaven, seeking the serenity prayer that our soul needs for this Thursday, September 24, 2020
My Lord, You alone have the power to create and transform, to make all things new. I want to feel your peace in my heart that peace which is capable of giving me joy and relieving my soul of all affliction. I thank you because you have made me discover your greatness and the power of your Word in the midst of so many problems that befall me. You have made me a new creature, transforming my sorrows into triumphs, my cries into joys.
Oh Lord, through this daily prayer, I open my heart completely to you so that you may come and be part of it. Bless my dreams and help me to keep alive the hope that I can create a new world, a better world for all. Move my heart with your power, so that I can take action and face all kinds of complicated situations that come my way I trust that you will accompany me and encourage me to keep moving forward.
I want to know you more, Lord, love you more and leave you more because in the little that my soul has known you, you have given me many blessings. I want to live for You and be open to all your experiences of love.
I accept You as the Lord of my whole history, as the master of my life, as the God of the impossible and as the one who helps me to give my best and be light for others. For this daily prayer, I rely on your grace not to let anything negative shake my faith or break my spirit, and not to let any difficulty make me lose my direction towards your love. Amen.
In this serenity prayer, Sacred Heart of Jesus, in You, I trust my routine, I trust You with my attitudes and my answers. I want to give the best of myself, so that others may know that, through my actions, You live within me. I love You. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Now, Beloved Father, in this daily prayer, let us ask for the loving and motherly intercession of Mary Most Holy and tell her with all our hearts:
Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.
Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.
Reflection for Thursday, September 24, 2020.
In this daily prayer for Thursday, let us reflect on the words of the Pope Francis to get serenity.
"When you feel the temptation to dwell on your own weakness, raise your eyes to Christ crucified and say: "Lord, I am a poor sinner, but you can work the miracle of making me a little bit better". In the Church, holy yet made up of sinners, you will find everything you need to grow towards holiness. The Lord has bestowed on the Church the gifts of scripture, the sacraments, holy places, living communities, the witness of the saints and a multifaceted beauty that proceeds from God´s love, "like a bride bedecked with jewels" (Is 61:10). (cf. Gal 5:22-23)". (Pope Francis Gaudete et exsultate, I.15b.)
Daily Prayer intentions for September 24.
The daily prayer for September 24 is an encounter with the life force of a relationship with God. When you put everything in God´s hands you are not afraid to face the difficulties. On the contrary, they make you stronger. You begin to build a better version of yourself when you realize that you are walking with the King and Master of history. Move forward through the difficulty and God will strengthen your heart. In this serenity prayer for Thursday with the reflection for today, we find healing. Leave your prayer intentions in the comments, whatever you want to say, express, your feelings, everything is valid. God listens to us, reads to us, and we are sure that he answers us. We will join you in your requests. May the healing prayers grant you peace and good for you and your family. Amen.