Daily prayer for Wednesday. September 23, 2020. God is your strength and hope. Blessing, and serenity prayer with daily prayers of faith and trust in God
Daily prayer for Wednesday. September 23, 2020. Serenity prayer.
When we pray the daily prayer for September 23, 2020, we will implore God to give extra strength to all of us who are tired and afflicted. Many of us may be involved in a routine spiral these days, but God has made each of us strong. In the serenity prayer for today, Wednesday, we find a numerous source of testimonies that invite us to continue to do things, to advance towards the desired goal. Hard times teach us to depend on God and trust in his purposes. These moments lead us to become more aware of his presence and power in our lives. May we find in these prayers for healing the courage to do it well.
"That is why we do not waver; indeed, though this outer human nature of ours may be falling into decay, at the same time our inner human nature is renewed day by day. The temporary, light burden of our hardships is earning us for ever an utterly incomparable, eternal weight of glory, since what we aim for is not visible but invisible. Visible things are transitory, but invisible things eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - New Jerusalem Bible).
Guide to daily prayer.
Below you can consult each of the sections of the daily prayer for Wednesday in this outline. Ideally, it should be followed step by step.
Time for the Daily Prayer.
Talking to God through daily prayer for Wednesday, September 23, helps us to have a clear thought about where we should look for strength. Meditate on the reflection for Wednesday, and let us find our courage amid the ups and downs of our lives. Through this moment in serenity prayer, think about this: "Many times the difficulty forces us to seek the strength and peace of God. We look around us and find no place to lean on and immediately it comes to mind that God is our greatest support. Often, we come closer to God in difficult times than at any other time in our lives. Take advantage of those situations to feel His Presence."
Serenity prayer for Wednesday.
Beloved Father, You have shown me the strength of Your promises throughout my life history together. Who am I to fear? You give me the inner peace I need through this prayer of serenity. Calm my senses and my heart. I know that, when that terrible feeling of discouragement comes, I will be able to trust your fatherly love. Trust in your providence. Amen. (This daily prayer Wednesday belongs to our serenity prayer devotional of 2020)
Daily prayer for Wednesday, September 23, 2020.
We dispose our heart to God´s love and raise our eyes to Heaven, seeking the serenity prayer that our soul needs for this Wednesday, September 23, 2020
My Lord, how good it is for my life to have You and feel You close to me at every awakening. To feel you cover me and month new forces to conquer my dreams. You are my source of life and peace. You are the one from whom I receive all the comfort in the problems and difficult circumstances that I often face.
I give you my burdens and my problems knowing that your power can do everything and will not abandon me in moments of trial. Being a Christian is a journey. Announcing your love opens my senses to resolve situations in a way that is different from human solutions. You have called me to announce You, to be a comfort to others, to sow happiness, to bring Your healing message and to create hope and new life in You.
Through this daily prayer, help me to bring your message in hope of a better life and open up torrents of blessings for those who accept you and follow your Cross. I can always trust that You will never leave my heart, but rather, will give me the strength to be victorious. Give me your light so that I may be like fruitful soil, a mirror of your mercy and a proclaimer of your love in every corner of the world. Amen
In this serenity prayer, Sacred Heart of Jesus, in You, I trust my routine, I trust You with my attitudes and my answers. I want to give the best of myself, so that others may know that, through my actions, You live within me. I love You. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Now, in this daily prayer, let us ask for the loving and motherly intercession of Mary Most Holy and tell her with all our hearts:
Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.
Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.
Reflection for today, Wednesday, September 23, 2020.
In this daily prayer for Wednesday, let us reflect on the words of the Pope Francis to get serenity.
"Let the grace of your baptism bear fruit in a path of holiness. Let everything be open to God; turn to him in every situation. Do not be dismayed, for the power of the Holy Spirit enables you to do this, and holiness, in the end, is the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life (cf. Gal 5:22-23)". (Pope Francis Gaudete et exsultate, I.15a.)
Daily Prayer intentions for September 23.
The daily prayer for September 23 is an encounter with the life force of a relationship with God. Through this offering of our time and space, He is giving us much more than we can offer. When you put everything in God´s hands you are not afraid to face the difficulties. On the contrary, they make you stronger. You begin to build a better version of yourself when you realize that you are walking with the King and Master of history. Move forward through the difficulty and God will strengthen your heart. In this serenity prayer for Wednesday with the reflection for today, we find healing. Leave your prayer intentions in the comments, whatever you want to say, express, your feelings, everything is valid. God listens to us, reads to us, and we are sure that he answers us. We will join you in your requests. May the healing prayers grant you peace and good for you and your family. Amen.