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Categoría: Conversando

Daily prayer Friday, May 8, 2020. God, my source of strength, hope and liberation. Serenity prayer for today with daily prayers of faith

Daily prayer for may 8, 2020. Serenity prayer for Friday.

When we pray the daily prayer for May 8, 2020, we will implore God to give extra strength to all of us who are tired and afflicted. Many of us may be involved in a routine spiral these days, but God has made each of us strong. In the serenity prayer for Friday, and the today´s reflection, we find a numerous source of testimonies that invite us to continue to do things, to advance towards the desired goal. May we find in these daily prayers the courage to do it well.

"Let us stay awake and be sober. Those who sleep do so at night, and also those who get drunk. Let us, on the other hand, be sober, for we belong to the day: let us put on the armor of faith and love, and cover ourselves with the helmet of hope for salvation". (1 Thessalonians 5:6b-8)

Time for the Daily Prayer.

Talking with God through the daily prayer for May 8 helps us to have a clear thought about where we should seek strength, what our goal is. In everything that may seem to be a daily routine we can find something to grow and to meditate on. Meditate on serenity prayer for Friday, and let us find our courage in the midst of this routine.

Daily Prayer for May 8, 2020, Friday.

My Lord and my God, I place myself under your presence at this moment to ask you to help me to fulfill my daily commitments, to not let myself be carried away by routine and to have the sufficient capacity to organize my life according to your love.

I recognize that I am weak, that I can do nothing if I do not have You by my side, that is why You are my salvation, my source of strength, of hope, You are my liberator.

You rescue me Lord, when I am in danger, when those negative feelings come to seize my mind and fill me with despair. But You are my great hope in the midst of these small failures.

I humbly come to You, handing over that annoying situation that disturbs me and does not let me think well. I walk in fear, with a lack of concentration. It seems that my doubts and worries have made their way into my attitudes.

O Lord, I ask You to help me to correct myself, to stand up and trust You when my faith begins to waver. Come and fill me with your Wisdom when I find myself in those moments when I look around trying to find a way out of this heavy routine and I find myself disoriented.

I want to continue to have the courage to do things. I don´t want to act mediocre, every task is worth doing. Help me to serve my family with a cheerful face, keeping away from me, any complaints or murmurings.

Remove despair from my life, Lord. I don´t want to be caught in your nets, together in those murky moments of my life. Therefore, I invoke the protection of the Holy Spirit to give me the courage to take action and to enlighten my thoughts with clear thoughts so as not to fall into mistakes that cut off my relationship with You and mine

Now Lord, I allow your blessings, your promises and all your strength, to give me the confidence I need to go forward and pursue the purpose for which you created me: my happiness and that of my people.

I love You my God, I offer You everything that happens to me today, good or bad I accept it, I know that what comes from You is just and holy. I open my heart to You to receive all the good You want to give me at this moment.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, in You, I trust my routine, I trust You with my attitudes and my answers. I want to give the best of myself, so that others may know that, through my actions, You live within me. I love You. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Pope Reflection for Friday, May 8, 2020.

"The letter to the Hebrews mentions various testimonies that encourage us to "run with perseverance in the race that is set before us" (12:1). There it speaks of Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Gideon and several others (cf. 11:1-12:3) and above all it invites us to recognize that we have "so great a cloud of witnesses" (12:1) that they encourage us not to stop on the way, but to keep on walking towards the goal. And among them may be our mother, a grandmother or other people close to us (cf. 2 Tim 1:5). Perhaps their life was not always perfect, but even in the midst of imperfections and falls they went forward and pleased the Lord" (Gen 17:1) (Reflection of Pope Francis, Gaudete et exsultate, I.3)

Daily Prayer intentions for May 8.

The daily prayer for May 8 was a real encounter with the powerful force that comes from the connection with God that we have with Him every day. I don´t know about you, but I feel that, through this offering of my time and space, He is giving me much more than I can offer. I hope you can experience this. In the serenity prayer for Friday, we look at how others could reach their goals, so we can too. Leave your prayer intentions in the comments, all that you want to say, express, your feelings, everything is valid. God listens to us, reads to us, and we are sure that He answers us. We will join you in your requests. Peace and good. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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