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Categoría: Conversando

Daily Prayer for May 7, 2020. Your plans are perfect even if we don´t understand. Today reflection. Thursday with daily prayers of faith

Pray the daily prayer for May 7, 2020 and let us enter into a deep conversation with our beloved Creator. We know that He acts for our good, that everything that happens is part of a plan of salvation and conversion. In today reflection, Thursday, we appreciate that we must advance in our spiritual growth. We focus on learning to have a better relationship with God. Daily prayers serve this purpose.

"Happy is he who is educated by you, Lord, he whom you instruct with your law, to give him rest after adversity. (Psalm 94:12-13)

Time for the Daily prayer.

As we meditate on the daily prayer for May 7, we feel happy to share a moment of intimacy with our Creator God, our Father and friend who cleanses our heart day by day, as we open our soul to Him. Meditate on today reflection, Thursday to know what God wants from you.

Daily Prayer for May 7, 2020.

My Lord, thank you for pouring out all your love on me at this time when I come to you in great need. Thank you for coming to bless mine with the gift of your powerful presence that fills us with peace even when we do not see a good outlook for our future.

I also want to thank you for the example of Our Blessed Mother, our best model of service and humility. Like her I would like my heart to be always ready to keep your teachings and to meditate on them in my heart. May she be my sweet companion when I feel my spirit broken.

I want to learn to really trust, to be aware that You are the great provider, that You are the Master of time and history, that You have everything under Your control and that nothing moves without being planned by You.

Fill me today with your love, your grace, your power, your compassion and everything I need to get ahead. Let me know how to bear the setbacks in the best way and never lose control.

Give me courage and confidence so that I can remain calm, with patience, in the midst of this desolating anguish, and not fall into despair and hopelessness.

My hope is fixed on You, for only in You can I trust and have total dependence for the realization of all my projects. Your power is beyond measure and your wisdom is beyond our comprehension. Your plans, Lord, are perfect, even if we do not understand them. I know you will work for good in my life and in a wonderful way.

Fill me with the strength of your love so that I have the courage to be different, even if it is hard for me to accept that I am wrong and that I must change that which does not build me. Change those attitudes that lead me to sadness and despair.

With you by my side, I can be filled with a new impetus to persevere and face life´s difficult challenges with confidence, knowing full well that, in constant prayer, I can find the joy of being fulfilled.

O my God, I love you. You are my God and friend, who watches over me with an everlasting love. With an overflowing joy, I thank you for your loving protection and the peace you have come to give me at this moment.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, you know that I am your faithful devotee. I praise you and bless you for the blessings with which you let fall upon me and my home every day. You are my peace, you are my adoration. I love you.

Today´s Reflection, Wednesday, May 7, 2020

"Rejoice and be glad" (Mt 5:12), Jesus says to those who are persecuted or humiliated because of him. The Lord asks for everything, and what He offers is true life, the happiness for which we were created. He wants us to be holy and does not expect us to be satisfied with a mediocre, watery, liquefied existence. In fact, from the very first pages of the Bible, the call to holiness is present in various ways. This is what the Lord proposed to Abraham: "Walk in my presence and be perfect" (Gen 17:1)

- Pope Francis, Gaudete et exsultate, I.1

Daily Prayer intentions for May 7.

We realize that, by meditating for a few moments, the daily prayer for May 7, we can find a calm that the world cannot give us. It is to connect with God´s love, with his transforming work in our lives. This is what today´s reflection does, Thursday. That is why God is our greatest hope. Leave your prayer intentions in the comments and let us continue to trust in that Father´s love. We will be united in praying for all those prayer requests. Peace and good, brothers and sisters. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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