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Categoría: Conversando

Daily Prayer for April 30, 2020, invoke the joy that God wants to put in your life. Today´s reflection Thursday with prayers of faith

Pray the daily prayer for April 30, 2020 and may our hearts leap for joy, that the boat of our life is directed by that God who wants to cover us with all His love. Today´s reflection, Thursday, to free us from sadness and make way for joy.

"Protect me, for I am one of your faithful, save your servant who trusts in you. You are my God: have mercy on me, Lord, for I call upon you all day long; comfort the soul of your servant, for to you, Lord, I lift up my soul". (Psalm 86:2-4)

Time for the Daily prayer.

Without allowing any sadness, pain, anguish or suffering to separate us from this moment of prayer, let us calm our inner being, calling upon the fire of the Holy Spirit to rest in our lives through the daily prayer for April 30. We open our heart, we silence our inner self. We read today´s reflection Thursday for our growth.

Daily Prayer for April 29, 2020.

My Lord, even if I wake up and see the same depressing and distressing situation around me, seeing that nothing has changed and I cannot see a proper path to face this problem, I still keep my hope in your love, because whoever comes under your shadow, will never be disappointed.

I want to hear your voice in each of the actions that I will perform at this time. I want to discover that you call me to be happy in each of them, to give my best, to be a witness of goodness, because you are always good and merciful to everyone and you want us, your children, to reflect this too.

Blessed be my God, come and speak to my heart and guide my existence through safe paths, through paths that give me peace of mind and spiritual rest in the midst of this crisis.

O Father, I want to allow joy to take possession of my life now, that all sadness may fly away from this heart that only wants to have You and honor You forever.

I must trust that your ways are perfect and in them our best purposes are fulfilled. The difficult trials you sometimes allow us to endure seem disconcerting and an unbearable burden to bear, but they ultimately produce the results you desire, because you manifest yourself with power through them.

My Lord, teach me to always trust that You wish to fill me with joy through the lessons that life leaves us. I have full confidence that You have created me to be happy, I do not want to live in misfortune.

Help us to constantly see that the test of our faith produces the righteous spiritual strength that I so much need to grow and strengthen on this path. May I remain in the perseverance that leads me to be a better version of myself.

Help me to have an attitude of joy, not to get carried away by bad news or sad and unexpected events. May I remember that You put the blessing where we can only appreciate pain and destruction.

Lord, I am sure that no problems or sadness have been sent to me by You, they are only situations in life that I cannot avoid, but with Your help I can overcome them with joy, because Your love is eternal and Your mercy is beyond measure.

I now invoke the joy of your Presence. Let the angelic choirs come and join in my song of joy to express my love to you, Sacred Heart of Jesus, from whom I draw strength and blessings.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,


Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Today´s Reflection, Thursday, April 30, 2020

"I understand people who tend to be sad because of the serious difficulties they have to suffer, but little by little we must allow the joy of faith to begin to awaken, like a secret but firm trust, even in the midst of the worst anguish: "I am far from peace, I have forgotten the joy [...] But something I bring to mind, something that makes me wait. That the love of the Lord has not ended, its tenderness has not been exhausted. Tomorrow after tomorrow they will be renewed. Great is their faithfulness! ...] It is good to wait in silence for the salvation of the Lord" (Lm 3:17, 21-23, 26).

- Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, I.6b

Daily Prayer intentions for April 30.

We invoke the God of joy in this daily prayer for April 30, to put our lives in order to the plan of love that God designed for us. Today´s reflection, thursday, helps us to meditate on joy in the midst of sadness and on how we must overcome ourselves by trusting that Father who loves us. Put your prayer intentions in the comments. Leave your requests and let´s pray together. Peace and good. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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