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Categoría: Conversando

The daily prayer for April 28, 2020, is a thanksgiving for that Father God who loves us. Today´s reflection Tuesday with prayers of faith

Pray the daily prayer for April 28, 2020 to thank God for his company through these difficult roads. We thank God because He does not tire of providing us and giving us the tools to build a piece of your Kingdom among us. Today´s reflection Tuesday to thank.

"Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, who trains my arms for combat and my hands for fighting. He is my benefactor and my strength, my stronghold and my liberator; he is the shield with which I guard myself". (Psalm 144,1-2)

Time for the Daily prayer.

Let us persevere, fight and ask God to continue to help us stay calm. The daily prayer for April 28 is a thanksgiving to that merciful Father who has remained there, close and present. We now focus on this prayer and in silence we read today´s reflection, Tuesday.

Daily Prayer for April 28, 2020.

My Lord, I am getting up enthusiastic with the idea of telling the world how much I love You and for the miracles of love with which You wrapped my soul along my path of life.

I feel happy Lord, even in spite of this calamity that surrounds me. In spite of the anguish, the widespread fear around me, the sickness or the anxiety of not knowing what will happen in the world, I am really happy to have had clear encounters with You and to have known You more deeply.

Thank you, Lord, for having allowed me to meet you for your love. My life without You would be meaningless. Thank you for directing my steps on paths of freedom. With your grace, I know that I will be able to face all the challenges that life is preparing for me.

You give me the inner strength I need, and so I continue to trust your daily action in my life, trusting in your power which overcomes all my weaknesses and my frailties.

Through You, Lord, I am able to bear all the things that concern me, all the trials I go through. I trust in your promise of life. I strive to live as You have commanded, with a calm and joyful heart, even in the midst of crises.

I continue to learn from every difficult circumstance, Lord. The best thing of all is that I know that, together with my family, we have learned to support each other, to give each other joy, to make an effort to serve and to give each other small moments of happiness every day.

We have learned, Lord, that we have found satisfaction in having one another, whether in abundance or in scarcity, in sickness or in joy.

Life has become a little difficult, we know that and we may suffer some financial needs, but we have seen your Presence among us and we feel your strength in our home, sustaining us and helping us to trust and persevere in these difficult times, with eyes full of hope and always looking towards you.

O my God, what an immense joy it is to be able to feel the comfort of your embrace in our midst, dwelling in our home and sustaining us in our difficulties.

Thank you, Lord, thank you. Continue to reveal yourself with power in my life and in that of my family. Come into my heart and bless me. In your hands I place this day and all the people I will share it with. Speak to my heart through them and guide me in what I should say and be silent.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, be my strength, my rock. I come to you at this moment so that, with your healing calm, you may continue to give peace to my heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,


Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Today´s Reflection, Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"No one can take away the dignity that this infinite and unbreakable love gives us. He allows us to raise our heads and start over, with a tenderness that never disappoints us and can always bring us back to joy. Let us not run away from the resurrection of Jesus, let us never declare ourselves dead, whatever happens, let nothing be more than his life that throws us forward!"

- Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, I.3d

Daily Prayer intentions for April 28.

We thank God through the daily prayer forApril 28. We will fear no evil because God walks beside us. With today´s prayer and the reflection of the Tuesday we continue to build our happiness, keeping our hope in HIM who can do everything. Put your prayer intentions in the comments now. God comes to offer us his consolations. Put your requests and let´s pray together. Peace and good. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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