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Categoría: Conversando

The daily prayer for April 27, 2020 helps us to put our trust in that eternal love. Today Reflection. Faith Prayers of the day, Monday

Pray the daily prayer for April 27, 2020 which is a prayer to learn to trust in God´s power. Let us fill our hearts with trust in a God who is and will forever be our Father of mercy. Today´s reflection Monday wants to teach us that God welcomes us with sweetness whenever we come to Him. Pray now prayers of the day.

"Before the mountains were created, before the earth and the world were born, forever and ever, you are God. (Psalm 90:2)

Time for the Daily prayer.

With the prayers of the day, we are reborn in the Spirit of the Lord, putting our trust in that boundless love that is always there to provide for us even in situations where we think we are alone. The daily prayer for April 27 comes into our lives to teach us that we are not alone, that God has the strength to support us at all times. Read today´s reflection Monday and be filled with the Lord´s mercy.

Daily Prayer for April 27, 2020.

My Lord, I want to open myself up today to all the good that you want to give me. Open myself to experiences full of blessing that come from You. But for this, I must free my heart from fears and anguish. Know that crises come, but You always provide for the one who trusts You.

I trust that Your purposes will be fulfilled in me. Your love is eternal and Your Word is a promise of love that lasts forever.

Thank You for hearing my prayers when I cry out to You in humility. Make me docile to Your inspirations, that I may live for You, love You and see those blessed experiences that life gives me, even through those difficult and desperate situations.

Come and walk with me Lord, protect me from all that can hurt me. I know that in You I can find all the support I need to move forward in life. Give me the strength to endure the difficulties.

I cannot rely on my own physical, emotional and intellectual capacities alone, for many are controlled by our natural emotional impulses and we can fail at times, but if I rely on You, I know that nothing will be lost.

Oh my God, You are just in everything You do. Of all the bad things that happen, there is one teaching that I must incorporate into my life. What I go through I must learn to assimilate in the light of Your Word, for if I persevere, I know You will reserve great promises for my life, unbreakable promises.

Lord, help my heart to persevere in prayer with confidence. To put my best foot forward in my struggles with the assurance that I have at my side a powerful God who always stands by and rescues me in my weaknesses.

He removes all fear from my life, all anxiety, doubt and all tendency to leave things half done for fear of wrong results. I want to be patient, the results I leave to You. Teach me to focus on You and to have full confidence in You.

You are the source of strength that I need most. Free my heart from anxiety. Clear my mind of any negative thoughts or worries. I have to trust that You are my Almighty God, the Rock on which I can always find refuge, and the Strength of my heart.

Lead me Lord, lead me in paths of love and guide me in all the decisions I am going to make so that they will help me to really advance towards the path that brings me peace and happiness, for my personal good and that of my family.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I open my life to You, I open myself completely to You. Don´t let me hesitate, let not doubt take possession of my soul. I trust in the consolations of your sweet and pure essence of Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,


Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Today´s Reflection, Monday, April 27, 2020

"I insist once again: God never tires of forgiving, it is we who tire of turning to his mercy. He who invited us to forgive "seventy times seven" (Mt 18:22) gives us the example: He forgives seventy times seven. He carries us on his shoulders again and again."

- Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, I.3c

Daily Prayer intentions for April 27.

How did you feel when you prayed the daily prayer for April 27?... Are you learning to trust that God who never tires of opening the doors of his mercy to us? May today´s reflection, Monday, and the prayers of the day lead us to that loving God who always waits for us with open arms when we fail and return to Him. Put your prayer intentions in the comments. We implore God for healing. Put your requests and let´s pray together. May peace be with you and your family. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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