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Categoría: Conversando

The daily prayer for April 26, 2020, shows you the power revealed in God´s Word. Today´s reflection, Sunday with prayers of faith

Pray the daily prayer for April 26, 2020 to implore for peace and calm. Challenges are coming every day; but we cannot give up. We have a loving God who is the Father of love, who protects us from the beginning of the day until the end. Let us pray together today´s reflection, Sunday with these prayers of faith.

"The Lord is your guardian, he is the protective shadow at your right hand: by day, the sun shall not harm you, nor the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all evil and guard your life. He will protect you in your departure and your return, now and forever" (Psalm 121:5-8)

Time for the Daily prayer.

A new opportunity to make love reborn, to get rid of wrong attitudes that make us lose control. The daily prayer for April 26 comes as a relief today, Sunday. May the Holy Spirit open those doors that are necessary for you to live a transformation in love. Today´s reflection, Sunday, presents you with the Jesus who rescues and never leaves you alone.

Daily Prayer for April 26, 2020.

Lord of my life, thank you because I always find opportunities at the beginning of the day to put into practice the love you have been teaching me through your Word. She is my daily nourishment, a living Word on whom I rely.

I ask You that, even if I make the mistake of taking a different path from yours, that You never abandon me or take away Your grace, that You take care of me and watch over me and make me a strong and courageous person to come back to You and learn that, without You, there is no true happiness.

When times get hard, or something I have been working hard for, is not happening as fast as I wish or as it should, I come to you, even if it is difficult to move forward, with your presence I lack nothing to keep trying.

I don´t want to succumb to the slightest test. Help me to continue living with the best attitude of confidence, with optimism, finding joy in your Presence and not letting me steal the dreams of those who do not want to see me happy.

O Father, your word is full of strength, of revealed promises that can lead me to great victories. Your word is true and Your promises are eternal for all children. May I make them my refuge in the storm. She is Wisdom who inspires me to take the right paths.

Sometimes trials appear in my environment that I cannot control, diseases, pandemics, accidents, things that are beyond my control. But when those unforeseen difficulties come knocking at my door and want to fill my heart with fear, I know I can come to you for help. You will be there, as the Father of comforts, to shelter me and make me feel that nothing can touch me.

I entrust my life to you, Lord. I do not need to fear, there is nothing that a mere human can do to me, nor can any illness steal my faith and my desire to continue. Please remind me to always put my hope in you.

When those storms come to shake my life, reveal yourself with power, show me that I must continually depend on you. These challenges ahead seem overwhelming, distressing. But if I persevere in the strength You have given me, I will be able to go through all of that with Your grace.

With You, I lack nothing; Your Holy Spirit sustains me and urges me to give and give everything. I count on your support and on the maternal help of Our Mother Mary who accompanies me and leads me on paths of good.

I implore you at this moment, Sacred Heart of Jesus, to fill my soul with that peace which calms everything. Protect me, guide me, take away my anxiety and those fears that want to take over my heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,


Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Today´s Reflection, Sunday, April 26, 2020

"The Lord does not disappoint those who take risks, and when someone takes a small step towards Jesus, he discovers that He was already waiting for his arrival with open arms. This is the moment to say to Jesus Christ: "Lord, I let myself be deceived, in a thousand ways I escaped from your love, but here I am again to renew my alliance with you. I need you. Rescue me again, Lord, accept me once more into your redeeming arms. It does us so much good to return to Him when we have been lost!".

- Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, I.3b

Daily Prayer intentions for April 26.

Having prayed the daily prayer for April 26, we feel that it is detaching from each one of us, that anguish that paralyzes and keeps us as cold and distant. May today´s reflection, Sunday, make you always return to the arms of the Lord, it is He who rescues and does not abandon. Now put your prayer intentions in the comments. Let us pray for that healing we need so much. Put your petitions, we will be praying. A hug of peace comes into your life at this time. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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