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Categoría: Papa Francisco

Pope Francis: The possibility that the patient can open his heart to others about his condition and needs, helps the healing

Pope Francis: Love opens the door to the healing of a sick person.

Pope Francis reiterated the human dimension of caring for the sick, saying that each patient is a person who is defined by much more than their clinical data. "The closeness of love opens the door to hope and also to the healing of the sick," the Pope said, adding that "when a sick person feels he is being treated as a unique person, the result is greater trust in the medical team and greater hope for a positive outcome. This was part of the message expressed by the Holy Father to the participants in the annual world meeting of the International Gynecological Cancer Society (IGCS).

Addressing all the participants in the event, Pope Francis stressed the importance of forging bonds of solidarity and support between patients suffering from serious pathologies, their families and medical personnel.

Originally planned to be held in Rome, Italy, the IGCS 2020 meeting is being held digitally from September 10-13, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The mission of the Society, which has more than 1,000 members representing over 80 countries, is to improve the care of women with gynecological cancer worldwide through education and training and public awareness.

Founded in 1985, the International Gynecological Cancer Society promotes research and education "to improve the care of women with gynecological cancer worldwide," as described on its website.

The closeness of love opens the door to healing

Pope Francis encouraged the participants to focus on the integral care of the sick, offering them trust, hope and love at all stages of care, even in cases where treatment is essentially palliative.

Furthermore, Pope Francis expressed that "it is precisely the closeness of love that opens the door to hope and also to healing.

In this regard, Pope Francis indicated that, "it is often said, and rightly so, that a good relationship with health care personnel is in itself part of the cure.

"The possibility that the sick can open their hearts to others about their condition and needs, and also to cry with confidence, opens horizons, helps healing or at least brings relief to the terminally ill," said Pope Francis,

Pope Francis also lamented that "the human dimension of care for the sick is too often left to the kindness of the individual physician, rather than being considered an integral part of the services offered by health care centers.

No limitations to build a relationship with the patient.

With regard to financial concerns, Pope Francis said that "these should not override the need to build relationships with sick patients. While significant financial resources are needed for research, a solid balance must be struck between various factors so that priority is always given to people, in this case, women who are seriously ill.

"In this regard," said Pope Francis, "the various non-profit organizations that place patients at the center, assisting their needs, answering their legitimate questions and allowing those who, because of the fragility of their personal, economic and social condition, cannot make their voices heard, are to be commended.

"The health personnel who care for them on a daily basis must also ensure that they can carry out their work in dignified conditions," the Pope said.

Death is part of life.

To conclude his speech, Pope Francis told all participants in the meeting that women who care for and treat us remind us of the precariousness of our existence, our need for each other, the vanity of self-centeredness and the reality of death as part of life itself.

"While it reminds us of our need to entrust ourselves to God, illness also reminds us of the importance of closeness, and of our need to be neighbors to one another, as Jesus taught in the parable of the Good Samaritan," Pope Francis said in conclusion.

Adaptación y contenido agregado: Qriswell Quero, | Con información de extraída de: Vatican News

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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