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Categoría: Aprende a orar

This is the Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua that never fails, as long as it is done with great faith and for some spiritual benefit

Pray the prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua which never fails in cases of extreme need or in urgent or desperate cases or also to grow and strengthen you on your path of spiritual life.

Let us remember that this prayer is not a magic mantra or a spiritual talisman or a gauntlet of power in which, by snapping your fingers, you get what you want, NO! It does not work like that.

The prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua that never fails works through the power of faith, trust in God and perseverance. Let us remember that God is always ready to listen to us and He opens His merciful heart to those who come to Him with faith, with a humble and contrite heart. He is a good Father and as a Father, he knows how to give good things to the children who come to him with faith and truSaint And with the help of the power of intercession of Saint Anthony of Padua, you can achieve this.

Saint Anthony of Padua is one of the most popular saints of the Catholic Church. He is the patron saint of lost and stolen objects. He was a powerful preacher and Franciscan teacher. He is typically depicted holding the baby Jesus, or a lily, or a book, or all three, in his arms.

Saint Anthony is known as a great miracle worker. A powerful intercessor at all times. Many are the people throughout the centuries who have come to this Saint with complete faith and trust, obtaining miraculous favors, some impossible to explain to science. He is always ready to offer miraculous answers to the prayers of the faithful who invoke him with great faith.

Preparation for the prayer to Saint Anthony that never fails.

You must prepare your heart and soul for an encounter with God. Ask for the assistance of the Holy Spirit to guide this moment of prayer and for Saint Anthony of Padua to unite his prayers to yours so that you may attain that miraculous favor you so long for.

As we said before, this is not a spiritual talisman. God answers our prayers, but they must be done with faith, trust and perseverance. He will grant us what we need if it is for our spiritual growth.

We present to you now, the powerful prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua, asking for his miraculous favor, imploring God´s protection and providence in your need. Pray with deep faith and truSaint

Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua that never fails

O dear Saint Anthony of Padua, the most gentle of all saints, your love for God and your charity for his creatures made you worthy, when you were on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me the following intention...

- Name your request here -

O sweet and loving Saint Anthony, whose heart was always full of human sympathy, whispers my petition in the ears of the sweet Baby Jesus, who loved to be in your arms. The gratitude of my heart will be forever yours. Amen.

Pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.

Prayer intention to St. Anthony.

Remember that the power of prayer to Saint Anthony that never fails is found in faith and trust in God. We hope that you will open your heart with humility and go to him with confidence and perseverance. Leave your prayer intentions in the comments to pray for you and ask St. Anthony to hear our prayers together. God bless you very much.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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