St. Charbel is well known for the many miraculous cures through his intercession. Pray to this saint if you need a miracle urgently
Prayer to Saint Charbel for a miracle or special favor.
Saint Charbel Makhlouf is among the saints whose bodies were found intact years after their burial. A Saint with an uncorrupted body. His body continued to shed oil and blood until the year before his canonization in 1977. This Lebanese saint has been widely known as one of the powerful intercessors on countless occasions to obtain miracles and special favors.
St. Charbel wants us to come to him to reveal to us how we can know and love God even more confidently and with greater peace of heart. He is undoubtedly a saint for our times. His example of monastic life has much to teach us. We can approach his intercession so that our lives, anxious and busy with the occupations of the world, can find some peace, silence and comfort.
Who is St. Charbel Makhlouf?
Saint Charbel, whose name was Youssef Antoun Makhlouf, was born on May 8, 1828, to a modest Maronite family in Bekaa Kafra, a village in northern Lebanon. He was one of five children of this family and they lived in the highest mountain of Lebanon, Bekaa Kafra. His father died when he was only three years old. Charbel had two uncles who were hermits, and as a child he took the family´s small flock of sheep to a nearby Marian grotto and spent most of the day in prayer.
Growing up, inspired by God´s love, he entered the order of Lebanese monks in 1851 and was ordained a priest in 1859. Later he retired to the hermitage of Saints Peter and Paul to spend 23 years in prayer, fasting, manual work and penance, until, on Christmas Eve 1898, his soul departed to meet the Beloved in the Kingdom of Heaven. His body remained uncorrupted after his death, and many miraculous graces and cures were achieved through his intercession. He was canonized by His Holiness Paul VI in 1977.
The powerful intercession of St. Charbel.
St. Charbel was one of the saints who experienced suffering in an exceptional way. He offered himself as a victim soul and mortified his body in every way to achieve spiritual growth. He abandoned himself completely to the will of God and deprived himself of everything that can cause distraction in this world. If there is anything that we should learn from this Saint, it is that in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the world and the sufferings that we have, we can continue living in an intimate union with God, and tend to lose sight of God while filling the painful chasms of our hearts with distractions, diversions, and all kinds of disorder.
Through St. Charbel, God has worked numerous miraculous cures that have been studied by many scientists without finding an explanation. With his intercession we can begin to trust that God can work in our lives too and bring us out of our walls of suffering.
Prayer to St. Charbel for an urgent miracle.
Lord, forever infinitely holy and glorified in your saints, You have inspired St. Charbel, the holy monk, to lead the perfect life of a hermit. We thank You that You gave him the blessing and strength to separate himself from the world so that the heroism of the monastic virtues of poverty, obedience and chastity could triumph in his hermitage. We beg you to grant us the grace to love and serve you, following his example. Almighty God, who has manifested the power of St. Charbel´s intercession through his countless miracles and favors, grant us the grace we ask for...
Mention here the favor you wish to ask.
Through the intercession of your servant Saint Charbel, we pray to you. Amen.
Pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.
Lord, infinitely Holy and glorified through your servant Saint Charbel, grant us the grace to love and serve you, following his example. Hear our prayers, through his intercession, and deliver us from all evil of body and soul. Amen.