Peace is something very valuable in everyone´s life. Pray the prayer to Saint Benedict for inner peace and let nothing disturb you
Prayer to Saint Benedict for inner peace.
Many have been God´s promises to all good-hearted people who love His word, and one of them is that "they shall have great peace," and nothing and no one can trip them up. St. Benedict was a very humble monk who, in the midst of so much work and occupations of his spiritual life, managed to be a serene person, managed to have inner peace in the midst of turmoil. He can intercede for us so that we can also achieve this peace.
"Those who love your law enjoy great peace; nothing causes them to stumble. (Psalm 119:65)
Maintaining inner peace in the midst of problems and difficulties is possible when our faith is built on the solid rock of God´s Word and His promises about us, even when we cannot appreciate any way out or a promising future in what we do: "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1). Believing that God is, resting in His arms with the confidence of a child in his Father, knowing that HE is able to help us overcome every circumstance and give us victory, filling us with an inner peace that surpasses our understanding.
The essential message of chapter four of the Rule of St. Benedict is that inner peace must begin in our hearts and in our own lives. In this whole Rule of St. Benedict we can find many messages about inner peace, but chapter four, "Tools for Good Works," is focused on this. St. Benedict lists 74 tools to use in life. They are various teachings taken from the Gospel and which, if lived with faith and perseverance, will lead to inner peace.
Saint Benedict knew the importance of the inner peace revealed by Jesus in the Gospels, and so he emphasized following these rules in order to achieve that peace in the heart.
Trust that God is a loving Father and ask Him, through the intercession of St. Benedict, to keep you from worrying about anything, and to help you present every request to Him through prayer, with thanksgiving.
"Do not be anxious about anything, and in all circumstances, have recourse to prayer and supplication, accompanied by thanksgiving, to present your requests to God. Then the peace of God, which surpasses all that we can think, will take care of your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
We now present you with a powerful prayer to Saint Benedict that can help you achieve inner peace in the midst of the difficulties that life presents.
Prayer to St. Benedict for inner peace.
Father of love, when I look at the circumstances of my life and the world around me, there are many reasons for concern, for I feel that they rob me of my peace. I beg you, through the intercession of your servant St. Benedict, make me understand that I have many reasons to keep peace at your side.
Faithful servant St. Benedict, help me and all my family to turn away from evil and do good. Let us seek inner peace and follow it always. Help us to receive, with an open heart, the peace in our home and all the strength that God has at his disposal for all those who love him. You were a man full of God´s peace, so pray for us that we may achieve inner peace in all our environments, but especially in the inner part of our hearts.
Help us, O humble servant St. Benedict, to remember that in this world there may be problems and difficulties, but Jesus has overcome the world so that he can bring us true peace. May we keep the memory of His unshakable love for each of us and that there is nothing that can equal His power that will make us lose peace if we fight by His side.
May we be builders of peace. May we have peace with everything around us, with nature and even with the noises of the world. May we be able to keep peace with our neighbour, with each person we meet every day. Peace with our loved ones and siblings and peace in our relationship with God.
Help us, O glorious St. Benedict, to appreciate the gifts around us, to share God´s blessings with our brothers and sisters, and to experience the joy of remaining in God, for it is His Presence that brings inner peace to our hearts, peace to our families, peace to our nations, and peace to the whole world.
Merciful Father, through the love and peace that you gave to your servant St. Benedict, give us the ability to allow the peace of Christ to rule in our hearts and to be able to share in the eternal rewards. Help us to be a grateful and peaceful family. Through Jesus Christ Himself, our Lord. Amen.
Inner peace in the scriptures.
Ask God to help you focus your thoughts and heart on Him as you give Him your burdens, difficulties, and problems. He has a promise of peace for you that you can see fulfilled if you take refuge in His Word of love.
"Lord, You assure us of peace, for it is You who fulfills for us all that we do. (Isaiah 26:12)
"May the God of peace sanctify you wholly, so that you may remain blameless in your whole being, spirit, soul and body, until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
"Stand, having girded yourselves with the belt of truth, and having put on righteousness as an armour. Put on your feet with zeal to spread the gospel of peace. (Ephesians 6:14-15).
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord look upon you with favor and extend his love to you; the Lord show you his favor and grant you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)
"I have told you these things so that in me you may find peace. In this world you will face afflictions, but take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:23)
"In peace I lay me down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me live in trust." (Psalm 4,8)
May the Lord of peace grant you peace, always and in every way. The Lord be with you all. (2 Thess. 3:16)
Through the intercession of this servant of God, the humble monk St. Benedict, may we always achieve inner peace, especially in those moments that threaten to rob us of the calm of our hearts. Amen.
More resources about St. Benedict.
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