This is a very powerful prayer that should be said with much faith and humility to the Sacred Heart of Jesus when we go through difficulties
In times of difficulty, pray this prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This is a prayer of trust with which you can invoke the protection and blessings of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in times of difficulty. His pierced and wounded heart burns with love for each of us and will not let anyone be lost if they come to Him trusting in this invocation.
This is a very powerful prayer that must be said with much faith and humility, before an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He does not resist the humble, those who suffer, those who go through difficulties and difficult times.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Difficulty
Sacred Heart of Jesus, before your pierced heart I go with all my faith to pray to you for the consolation my soul needs at this moment. In this difficult situation I face, do not abandon me, O beloved Jesus. In this time of crisis, anguish and difficulty that I am living, remain by my side and give me strength to move forward.
Open doors where I cannot see the way out, build roads where I see gigantic walls. May your powerful arms open and pour out those blessings that I need so that you can give me the peace of mind that I desire so much.
- Mention here your request -
Shelter me in the burning fire of your Sacred Heart and deliver me from the difficulties which torment me. Help me, extend your hand, place me in the crossing of your arms, lying on your holy chest, listening to the sweet beating of your heart.
Come to me sweet Lord, receive this humble supplication. Do not stop fighting for me, I know that you love me, that I am a precious pearl in your eyes and you will not let anything bad happen to me.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, be my protection and protection. Be my light and my strength, be my refuge and my safe haven.
Repeat this prayer for 9 consecutive days, along with the prayer of trust that follows.
Prayer of trust to the Heart of Jesus.
This prayer of Trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus was written by Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque, a humble French nun who received revelations and numerous visions of Jesus in which she urged her to spread devotion to His Sacred Heart. In one of her visions, St. Margaret, she saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus burning, surrounded by thorns, crowned by the Cross, as we see it in the images that we currently have in our homes.
This prayer of trust in our Lord is a powerful consolation for those who are in difficulty, for it goes directly to his Sacred Heart. Let us pray now
Jesus, I believe in your personal love for someone as sinful and useless as I am.
After each of the following phrases, repeat the following:
"Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in you"
- I believe that your love for me is from all eternity and is as tender as a mother´s love.
- I believe that you have planned with love and wisdom everything that will happen to me.
- I will never seek the pleasure forbidden by You and I will never lose heart in my efforts to be good.
- I will accept the crosses of life as I accept its joys, with a grateful heart, and I will always pray, "Thy holy will be done in all things.
- I will not be worried or anxious about anything, because I know you will take care of me.
- However weak or sinful I may be, I will never doubt your mercy.
- In all my temptations...
- In all my weaknesses...
- In all my sorrows...
- In every discouragement...
- In all my undertakings...
- In life and in death...
- Heart of love, I put all my trust in you; for I fear all things because of my own weakness, but I hope for all things because of your goodness.
Prayer us.
O God, who in a wonderful way revealed to Saint Margaret Mary the inscrutable riches of your heart, grant that, loving you, according to her example, in all things and above all things, we may find in your heart our permanent home.
"Have great trust in God and never distrust his mercy, which infinitely surpasses all our misery. (Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque)
We must be patient and persistent. If we trust the Sacred Heart of Jesus to answer our prayers, according to His will, His grace, blessing and protection will come into our lives in the most mysterious ways possible. We will be protected in every dark corner and in the difficulties of our lives
Be sure to SHARE this prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus with all people who need it in their time of need. Use the share buttons and spread it through all the social networks. May God be with you.