The power of the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help for economic and financial aid fills our hearts with hope
Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for financial assistance.
This is the prayer you should pray to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for financial assistance. If you are in a crisis or in financial trouble and you do not know how you are going to support your home and your family, do not hesitate, turn to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, she is an immediate help in times of extreme need.
Many people think that the icon that is at the center of the devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help was painted by St. Luke himself, but in reality this is uncertain. Its existence before the Middle Ages has not yet been fully confirmed.
The icon describes the child Jesus in the protective arms of his mother, as well as the Archangels Michael and Gabriel showing them the instruments of the crucifixion. The Greek letters explain the first letters of the names of Mary and Jesus.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
The icon came to Rome in the 15th century after a merchant who had heard of a miraculous image from the island of Crete went to the island and stole it. When he arrived in Rome with the image among his goods, he became very ill.
As he was dying, he ordered a friend to place the icon in a church, perhaps in the hope that this would ease his suffering. The friend took the icon to his own home, where his wife hung it in her bedroom.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help was obviously not very happy with this arrangement, and several times she appeared to this man and told him that she wished his image to be placed in a church. The man, despite the miraculous visit, did not give in to the image´s command.
Our Lady then appeared to this man´s daughter and asked her to have the icon consecrated in a church between the two large churches of Santa Maria Maggiore and St. John Lateran. The daughter communicated this to her father and he gave in, so the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help was consecrated in 1499 in the Church of St. Matthew, which is between the two largest buildings.
Blessings granted by the Virgin of the Help.
Today, many replicas of the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help are found in a wide variety of churches around the world, and Our Lady grants graces to those who with great faith venerate her.
There are many people who are going through very difficult financial problems, and they come to the feet of Our Lady of Perpetual Help to assist them in their needs. The power of prayer, made with great faith, and the intercession of our Blessed Mother, undoubtedly gives us hope and a strong belief that things will get better.
Below, we share this prayer that can help you stay strong in trials and strengthen the hope that God, through the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, can help you with your financial and economic problems.
Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for financial help
O dear Mother of all, you who are the perpetual help, not only in spiritual but also in temporal needs, we ask you to help us in the present because of financial worries. Due to unavoidable circumstances that have arisen in our lives, we are in great financial need and shame has taken over our home, as we are unable to meet our debts.
We are not asking, O dear Mother of Perpetual Help, for wealth if it is not in accordance with God´s will. We are simply asking for divine assistance to help us resolve our present obligations. We believe, dear Holy Mother of God, that you are extremely kind and generous to all your loving and dedicated children. We therefore beg you, dear Mother, to grant us the help we urgently need.
We are trying very hard to solve our problem with all our humanly possible strength, but we believe that with your powerful intercession with the Lord Jesus Christ, your Son and our Redeemer, you can relieve us of these burdens. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Pray the Memorare.
Remember, O most pious Virgin Mary, that never has it been heard that any of those who have come to your protection, imploring your help, have been forsaken by you. Encouraged by this confidence, I come to you, O Mother, Virgin of virgins, and groaning under the weight of my sins, I dare to come before you. O Mother of God, do not despise my supplications, but accept them and listen to them kindly. Amen
Pray the Glory.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
You must pray this prayer with great faith for three consecutive days and then the next day offer communion in reparation for the offenses caused to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. If you are unable to offer communion because of some physical impediment or special circumstance, you can offer spiritual communion and a Rosary to Our Lady.
We hope that the prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for financial assistance can help you place your trust in God and that your need will soon be met by His powerful intercession.