Holy Wednesday prayer. Sin separates us from God. Sin separates us from God, do not betray Him with indifference. Prayers for Holy Week. Holy Wednesday Prayer
Prayer for Holy Wednesday - Serenity prayer for Holy Week.
Today, in the prayer of Holy Wednesday, I invite you to read a very important reflection that we should always keep engraved in our hearts: Better to die than to sin! Never betray God through our indifference. The prayer for Holy Wednesday is a wake-up call to be attentive to our actions and to correct ourselves in the Light of God's Word.
In our journey, we often forget that there are things more important than life itself and worse than death. Judas forgot this when he betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. For his sin of betrayal, he betrayed God himself, thus breaking his relationship with God, which is much more important than life itself.
Holy Wednesday.
Today, the Easter Wednesday Reading brings us some words of Jesus which may sound harsh, but which in the end invite us to meditate on how our relationship with God is: "Woe to the one through whom the Son of Man will be delivered up! It would be better for that man if he were not born". (Matthew 26:24)
As that young holy disciple of St. John Bosco said: "I´d rather die than sin" (St. Dominic Savio)
This is a difficult teaching, especially since we often make excuses for our sins by saying things like, "My sins are not as serious as Judas´, so I am fine". We must be careful, sin separates us from God, from his grace, from his love. To die, separated from God´s love for all eternity, is a fate worse than anything we can imagine
Holy Wednesday teaches us to value our salvation.
All the pain and suffering that we feel, or perhaps, the joys and moments full of success that we go through in this world, will end with physical death, but eternity is infinite and our actions will define which eternity we will live, that of Heaven and hell
Jesus did not promise us an easy life, in fact, He told us to take up our cross daily and follow Him; but following Him is not easy, much less in suffering.
When we face suffering we must offer it to God and trust that He will give us His divine assistance to overcome it, God will be with us, He never fails
Also, it is good to remember that Judas was not the only apostle who betrayed Jesus; Peter did too. However, after Peter sinned, he repented and returned to God with a contrite heart and became a great saint.
If we break our relationship with God through sin, if we really feel our sins, we can make amends through the beautiful gift of confession and thus get a second chance at eternal life with God.
All this leaves us with three questions for reflection: Don´t you think it´s better to die than to sin? When you sin, do you feel so ashamed that you immediately run to repair your relationship with God? Do you give Jesus away today in some way, with your indifference to your neighbor perhaps, or by putting him aside to go after the successes of the world?
We invite you now to set aside a moment for all that you are doing, find a quiet place and enjoy every word of this Holy Wednesday prayer.
Prayer for Holy Wednesday.
My God, my Lord and my All, I thank you because I know that you are ready to listen to me and to thank me for continuing to stand firm in my struggles on this narrow path of salvation.
I want to have my eyes open so as not to stumble, to know how to discern what is right and what is not for my life, that is why I let myself be guided by your Word because in it, I find patience and comfort so as not to despair.
I need your strength and your love to be able to do things well. I don´t want to trust in the logic of the world, but I want to feel you, to touch you and to find you in every situation, which you give me every day. I want to get rid of that worldly materialism that leads me down the paths of my vainglory, a path full of selfishness and arrogance that little by little distances me from the happiness you want to give me.
Do not allow my attachment to goods and the search for worldly triumphs to be the 30 pieces of silver that I intend to exchange you for. I ask you to heal my heart of these evil inclinations.
I do not want to be among the traitors who have put their personal achievements and successes before serving and loving you above all else. Deliver me from the harshness and roughness of the heart.
Let You be my priority. I trust in the certainty of your Word that if I choose you as the center of my life everything else will be given to me in addition. I entrust my whole life to your presence because through it my insecurities are shattered. I trust in your sanctifying grace. Amen.
Meditation for Holy Wednesday on audio.
You can now listen calmly to the reflection of Holy Wednesday by Fr. Ken Fortney. Do not betray the Lord by going searching for personal and selfish achievement.
Holy Week prayers.
We want to offer you now, all the prayers of Holy Week so that you may reflect on each of the readings offered to us by the mystery of the life, work, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through praying the prayer of Holy Wednesday we ask God to give us a simple heart, free from earthly attachments. May we never fall into the temptation of putting material things before God. We cannot allow ourselves to be carried away by the indifference that dominates this world. Along with the prayers of Holy Week, continue to grow now towards God with a more strengthened love.