In the prayer of Holy Tuesday, Jesus wants to live in your heart, He wants you to make space in Him to heal you. Prayers for Holy Week. Holy Tuesday Prayer
Prayer for Holy Tuesday - Serenity prayer for Holy Week.
With the prayer of Holy Tuesday we will discover that the salvation that God has given us is a wonderful gift, and that we can never put it before the desire for money or the riches of this world. The Holy Tuesday Prayer is part of the prayers for Holy Week to grow in God´s love.
We will find refuge in our Lord on this Holy Tuesday. Let us learn to value this precious gift of Salvation. By accepting his Truth, we enter into his great mystery of love.
What do you celebrate on Holy Tuesday?
We are in Holy Week, specifically on Holy Tuesday. It is the last Tuesday before Easter Sunday, where the Liturgy presents us with the Gospel scene showing the hidden face of disloyalty and unloved.
On this Holy Tuesday we meditate on the sadness Jesus experienced in the face of the offense of treason to which he was exposed by one of his friends: Judas Iscariot.
Judas was one of those Jesus chose to be an apostle: he had been in a close relationship with him for three years, he had followed him, he had witnessed his great miracles, he had cast out demons when he had sent them out two by two on his personal mission, he had experienced the tenderness of his love for everyone. And despite all this, Judas abandons, betrays, and sells out the master.
The betrayal of a friend is something far more painful and cruel than the betrayal of any stranger. Our spiritual life is also a true personal relationship with Jesus; this means that it must be based on honesty, truth, loyalty and faithfulness at all times to his commandments.
Today, the Reading reveals a sorrowful event: betrayal! "When Jesus was at table with his disciples, he was deeply moved and declared, ´I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me". (John 13:21)
Will we also be able to betray our Lord of life, turning our backs on his love by going after our interests? Let us ask the Lord for the grace not to betray his love with our indifference to our neighbors, with our eagerness for wealth, or by the stubborn pursuit of achievements and goals to be reached, seeking worldly triumphs that feed our vanity.
Today, through the prayer of Holy Tuesday, Jesus wants to live in your heart, He wants you to make room in Him so that his friendship will last forever, and you will be blessed with the grace of his love and forgiveness.
Prayer for Holy Tuesday.
My Lord, as I rise, I thank you for the gift of life and love. Today, I want to ask you to give me the ability to listen to you with a willing soul and a heart that is docile and open to your inspirations.
I need to meet you in prayer, that you give me your strength and your power to be able to feel with humility each of the manifestations of love that you put around me every day.
I want to be able to tell you truthfully that I would give my life for You, but then I remember Peter, who felt the panic coming and because of his weakness he let his heart be flooded with fear and denied even your friendship
I do not want to be carried away by my human decisions either, but let your Word be my guide, for I do not want to end up like Judas, who, having witnessed your miracles, sold his salvation for money.
O my God, my great consolation, many times I cry over my sins, my bad inclinations and vices torment me and distress my soul, I am weak, but your Holy Spirit encourages me to get up and go on.
I know that following You demands a total surrender and sacrifice of many things, but even so I come close to You so that You may free me from my selfishness, from my pride and from all that does not allow me to give myself to Your project of life.
You are the friend who does not disappoint, the one who never abandons and the one who, in the apparent defeat, manifests your greatness and raises me victorious. I love you, you are the master of my life, I trust you are by my side, and you give me the strength to face all my difficulties. Amen.
Holy Week prayers.
We want to offer you now, all the prayers of Holy Week so that you may reflect on each of the readings offered to us by the mystery of the life, work, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflection on Holy Tuesday.
May the prayer of Holy Tuesday help you learn to appreciate the gift of salvation for your life. Salvation will never be given by money or material things, only God and his love. Together with the prayers of Holy Week, it continues to grow towards God, it continues to grow in love. Happy Holy Tuesday.