Holy Thursday Prayer: Jesus, being King, washed the feet of his disciples, and we should imitate him. Prayer for Holy Thursday from the Holy Week prayers.
Prayer for Holy Thursday - Serenity prayer for Holy Week.
With Holy Thursday prayer, we learn the value of humility and appreciate God's beautiful gift of the Eucharist. Holy Thursday is the first of the three days cataloged as the Easter Triduum in which the Holy Supper of Jesus Christ with his Apostles, the Institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood are commemorated. Through the prayer for Holy Thursday we become aware that, through service, we can find true love.
Likewise, the Gospel highlights on this day, the act of the Washing of the Feet, in which the Lord teaches us that if we really want to love our neighbor we must be able to serve.
Foot washing on Holy Thursday.
At the Mass on Holy Thursday, the presiding priest washes the feet of 12 parishioners to symbolize the number of Jesus´ apostles. The ceremony is usually held in the evening, after sunset. The Gospel of St. John is the only one that describes this noble act of Jesus.
"If I then, who am the Master and Lord, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another´s feet. I have given you an example, so that what I have done to you, you may also do. (John 13:14-15)
Remembering a little, our vicar and pastor Pope Francis in 2016, washed the feet of young refugees in a nursing home north of Rome. In 2015, he washed the feet of prisoners in a prison in Rome. In 2014, he washed the symbolic feet of the elderly and disabled in a center in Rome.
On his first Holy Thursday as Pope, he went to a prison where he washed the feet of prisoners in a juvenile detention center and in this year 2017, he will wash the feet of prisoners in the Paliano prison, south of Rome.
With this example of service of our beloved Pope Francis, imitating Our Lord Jesus Christ, we too are invited to make service our way of life, to care for the needy, to give shelter to the immigrant, to relieve the sick, to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, etc.
Prayer for Holy Thursday.
Lord, I want my relationship with you to be more intense every day. I praise you from the depths of my heart because you have decided to stay with us and accompany us until the end of time.
You have decided to feed us with your body through the Holy Eucharist and even though our deceitful human senses see only a piece of bread, there you are, waiting for us to become one with you. Help me to understand that to follow your life plan I must love and be a servant to others, for if You, being the King of kings, washed the feet of Your disciples, I must also imitate You in deeds and thoughts.
Just as You have healed my wounds, be my source of power to be able to do the same with those who have not come out of their pain, to listen to them, to care for them and above all, to bring them closer to your love. With the example, you have given me, you teach me to live in love and to get out of that selfish way that society today proposes: "personal improvement without caring who I leave behind on the road.
Give me, my Lord, the conscience to grow and be better every day, so that your divine nourishment may be the source that drives me and projects me to do everything well, sowing hope in my path.
I thank you for all the blessings you will give me today. Help me to strive without discouragement and to be the best version of myself. I love You, I trust in Your transforming power that comforts and renews the victorious spirit in each of us through the Eucharist. Amen.
Meditation for Holy Thursday on audio.
One way to grow in our faith is through meditation. We invite you to listen to this Holy Thursday meditation. Jesus, immortal in spirit, destroyed the power of death that held us prisoner.
Holy Week prayers.
We want to offer you now, all the prayers of Holy Week so that you may reflect on each of the readings offered to us by the mystery of the life, work, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through praying the Holy Thursday prayer we can find that Jesus loved us so much that he wanted to become just a piece of bread to feed us with all his power from Heaven. He also teaches us the power of love through service. Whoever wants to be great must make himself small by serving with love and joy for the Lord. Jesus is the Easter of our life. Along with the prayers of Holy Week, keep growing now towards God with a more strengthened love. Happy Holy Thursday!