With the prayer for Holy Saturday enjoy the Easter vigil and preparing the heart to receive the risen Lord. Holy Saturday prayer from the Holy Week prayers.
Prayer for Holy Saturday - Serenity prayer for Holy Week.
The prayer of Holy Saturday is a dialogue that we will express in the silence of our heart. Waiting for the light that illuminates our hearts, our soul waits for the Lord with recollection. The prayer for Holy Saturday is a call to vigilance, expectation and joy in receiving the living and risen Lord. With his resurrection, he comes to give us new life. Prayers for Holy Week to grow and strengthen our faith.
What does Holy Saturday celebrate?
Holy Saturday commemorates the beginning of the period in which Jesus Christ remained dead in the tomb before His glorious Resurrection. It is the day after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday.
Holy Saturday reflects the history of our salvation, how the God of life and love prepared to rescue us from the bonds of sin and death. The God who created us, who led a chosen people and freed them from slavery, the God who became man and was raised in glory from death overcoming all darkness. That is our God, a God who is close, compassionate and full of life.
On this holy day, it can be said that God remains hidden. In the Church we read an ancient homily that goes like this: "What is happening today? A great silence envelops the earth; a great silence and solitude because the King sleeps []. God in the flesh has died and the Abyss has awakened" (Homily on Holy Saturday, PG 43, 439). In the Creed, we profess that Jesus Christ "suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified dead and buried, descended into hell, on the third day he rose from the dead".
Easter Vigil of Holy Saturday.
Holy Saturday is also known as the Great Sabbath; and on this day an Easter vigil service is prepared where all Catholics await with great desire the return of the Light. The Easter Vigil service marks the end of Lent before the Easter celebrations.
Holy Saturday is remembered as the day Jesus was dead in the tomb and numerous celebrations are held on the evening of this day. The great Easter Candle is lit and then the candles of the parishioners are lit indicating that the light has returned to the world and that the darkness has been overcome.
The services of Holy Saturday, Holy Week and the Easter Vigil date back to the early years of Christianity during the Roman Empire. Lighting candles during Easter services is one of the traditions that still has symbolic meaning today.
The Easter candle symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ, indicating that He brings light where there is darkness.
Let us enjoy the precious Easter Vigil and prepare our hearts to receive the living and risen Lord with the prayer of Holy Saturday. Praying with the Holy Week prayers of transformation.
Prayer for Holy Saturday.
My Risen Lord, at the beginning of this day I want to thank you for your great mystery of love and I beg you to give me a little of the strength of your Spirit and fill me with the joy of your presence.
I want to live joyfully, celebrating the day of your glorious triumph over darkness. On the day you destroyed death, all ties were broken and the light emerged victorious in the darkness. Give me the courage and strength to accept your will and thus be a true witness of your love and your resurrection, communicating to the world that darkness and death have been overcome in you.
Those tears shed beneath your cross, today become joy. Your history of salvation has become eternal. You have opened the doors of Heaven to us with this perfect work of love of which you made me a part. I can say with complete satisfaction that I have not loved a dead person, but I continue to love a living heart that continues to pour out its mercy and forgiveness to all those who want to turn their faces to You.
O Lord, do not allow the flame of faith and the power of your cross to diminish in me and end up being extinguished, on the contrary, help me to keep it alive with the hope placed in your love.
You are my refuge and comfort, and so, knowing you are alive and present, I turn to the reconciling power of your friendship to restore my strength. Help my heart now to come out of the darkness of its vices and rise to a new life by making you my Lord, my King and my Savior. Amen.
Meditation for Holy Saturday on video.
We now bring our souls in a state of recollection for this Holy Saturday, waiting for the light that illuminates all nations to rise with glory in each one of us. Now, Scott Hahn reads from an ancient homily for Holy Saturday.
Holy Week prayers.
We want to offer you now, all the prayers of Holy Week so that you may reflect on each of the readings offered to us by the mystery of the life, work, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through praying the prayer of Holy Saturday it brings us the hope of a new life directed to a true Love that has been born from on high to come to awaken us from our deep sleep. Arise with glory and stay always at God's side. With the prayer for Holy Saturday we vigilantly await the triumphant return of the Lord in his resurrection. Along with the prayers of Holy Week, keep growing now towards God with a more strengthened love Happy Holy Saturday!