Come to the feet of Jesus with the prayer for Holy Monday. God receives us no matter how sinful we are. Prayers for Holy Week. Holy Monday Prayer
Prayer for Holy Monday. Serenity prayer for Holy Week.
The prayer for Holy Monday defines how we present our prayers and worship to our God. It is a way of presenting to God the best of each of us, what we have kept with special devotion for Him. The Holy Monday Prayer is part of the prayers for Holy Week to grow in God´s love.
The perfume represents what we offer to God that is pleasing to His eyes: our virtues, efforts, works, service to others. It is gratitude for having given us the gift of life and love
What is Holy Monday?
Holy Monday is different from all other Mondays in Lent, since its meaning enters into a process of reflection six days before Easter.
It is the first Monday of Holy Week, the week before Easter. It occurs immediately on Palm Sunday when Jesus came to Jerusalem in his triumphal entry as King of kings (Matthew 21:1-11)
Today is a time to reflect on the greatest anointing of all: the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon us and his invitation to present us before the Lord with all the best we have to offer him.
Remembering today´s reading: "Mary took a pound of very precious perfume of pure spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus with it, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume" (John 12:3)
Holy Monday: the best of us for God.
The adoration of Mary at the feet of Jesus was an act full of faith and love. All she wanted to do was to worship her Lord in the best way she knew how, and in which the disciples received her with protest and indignation. "She is a woman, look... And not only that, she is also a powerful sinner."
This daring action of Mary teaches us men a couple of things. She understands and learns on a spiritual level where compassion and acceptance are extreme.
All the witnesses see the perfume and immediately think of the cost and absurd waste; while she cares little for it and gently caresses her Lord´s ankles and toes, she anoints them with a delicate aroma and is immediately embraced by salvation, letting herself be carried away by the deep desire of her heart: to worship God!
Our Lord, almighty God, King and Savior of the world, is not anointed by prophets or priests, but by a prostitute
Christians are called to be a living sacrifice; to worship God daily with our actions and words.
What are we willing to offer the Lord today? With what do we want to wash the feet of our beloved God? Are we willing to give Him the best we have? With what perfume do we want to worship Him, with that of our indifference or with the best, we have kept for Him?
The Lord receives us, He always receives us, however sinful we may be. Do not be afraid to come into His Presence.
Through the prayer for Holy Monday, offer God the best of you: a contrite heart and the desire to renew itself under the fountain of his Divine Love.
Prayer for Holy Monday.
My Lord, how good it is to know that you listen to my pleas and are attentive to my needs, constantly whispering to my spirit your invitation to overcome fear and to launch myself with confidence to face each of my battles.
I ask that I may always have the clarity to make the best decisions and to distinguish good from bad, to strive to be faithful to You and not to let anyone take away my desire to do things well. I count myself among the sinners who always fall back. I recognize that sometimes I lack strength and I fail You; that is why I humble myself before You, before Your power and cry out for Your compassion.
Like Mary of Bethany, I would also like to place myself at your feet and offer you the best of my perfumes, which is none other than to do deeds that are pleasing to you and to keep me away from all that does evil to my soul. Thank You for receiving me once again, for taking care of me, for making me feel that I am valuable and important to You. You are great, powerful, invincible, supreme, glorious, with a heart rich in mercy.
I feel blessed because in your love I have found that peace which invites me to fight with all my strength against sin. With your presence overflowing with love and forgiveness I will be able to overcome every bad inclination. You touch the dimensions of my whole life, and you make no difference between my wealth or my poverty, but in how much love I am ready to offer
Oh Lord, in this Holy Monday, I love you and I give you my heart now to renew it with your Love. In spite of my weaknesses, in Your Name, I know that I can go forward knowing that I am comforted in Your friendship and that I belong to You forever. Amen.
Holy Week prayers.
We want to offer you now, all the prayers of Holy Week so that you may reflect on each of the readings offered to us by the mystery of the life, work, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflection on Holy Monday.
With a prayer on Holy Monday we ask the Lord for humility, recognizing our littleness but opening ourselves to his mercy. May the prayer of Holy Monday make you find that virtue that you have within you and offer it to God as your most precious treasure or perfume. Together with the prayers of Holy Week, keep growing towards God