In the prayer for the first Sunday of Advent, it is recommended that the whole family be gathered around the Advent wreath. Prayer brings hope
Prayer for the First Sunday of Advent: Salvation is Near.
On the first Sunday of Advent, we pray the corresponding prayer, we light the first candle of the Advent wreath and every Sunday of this time Advent we light one more candle until we reach Christmas. The prayer for the first Sunday of Advent is a call to recollection, it is the beginning of the sweet wait for the arrival of the Child God in our lives, in our hearts.
Time of Advent.
The Advent Wreath marks the beginning of the Advent season. A new liturgical year begins and with it, the peace that comes to the heart. As the candles on the Advent Wreath are lit, a prayer is said using a passage from the Bible and songs are sung. We do this at the Advent Masses, and it is also advisable to do it at home, for example before or after dinner, all the family together.
Advent wreath: introduction.
The colors of the candles may vary according to tradition: in some cases 3 violet candles and the last one pink, in other cases 4 different colors are used: purple, red, green and white. Others use all red or all white.
If there are no candles of these colors, the Advent wreath can still be made, since the most important thing is the meaning of lighting a candle every week: the light that increases with the proximity of the birth of Jesus who is the Light of the World.
The Advent Wreath can be taken to church to be blessed by the priest. If you would like to learn more about the Advent Wreath, at the end of this publication, you will find a related article that may be useful for this purpose.
First Sunday of Advent.
To experience the family liturgy on the first Sunday of Advent, it is recommended that you place the Advent wreath with an image of the Virgin in a special place, creating an atmosphere of recollection with little light.
The readings can be distributed beforehand among the family members, and can be exchanged each of the four Sundays so that everyone can actively participate. It is significant that the role of the "Leader" is played by the Father or Mother, or by both parents together.
"Lord, on this first Sunday of Advent, I want to offer you the best of me. I want to act according to your works and allow this time of waiting to make my life grow in love and desire for your justice. I want my will to be guided by your Word to take the best paths, transforming those harmful emotions that do not do me good. Take away my pains and sorrows and instead fill me with hope and good things. Amen".
Prayer for the First Sunday of Advent.
To prepare for the prayer of the First Sunday of Advent, let us place ourselves in the Presence of the Lord and all of us gathered in silence say the following prayers.
Sign of the Cross: By the Sign of the Holy Cross, from our enemies, deliver us Lord our God. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Leader: "Our help is in the name of the Lord".
All: "Who made heaven and earth".
Leader: "In the days of Advent, we remember our wait for the Lord´s deliverance. We always need His salvation. Around this crown we will remember His promise.
Reading from the prophet Isaiah 9:1-2
Leader: "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those who dwelt in the land of darkness a light has shone. You have multiplied joy, you have increased joy; they rejoice in your presence, as they rejoice in the harvest, as when joy reigns over the distribution of the spoils". Word of God.
All: "We praise you Lord"
Reading from Romans 13,11-12:
Leader: "You know what time we live in and that it is time to wake up because salvation is closer to us now than when we first embraced faith. The night is far gone and the day is at hand. Let us abandon the works of the night and put on the armor of light.
All: Pray now an Our Father and a Hail Mary.
Blessing of the Advent wreath.
Leader: Bless us Lord and this Advent wreath. "Lord our God, we praise you for your Son Jesus Christ: He is Emmanuel, the hope of the peoples, The wisdom that teaches and guides us, The Savior of all nations. Lord God, may your blessing descend upon us as we light the candles on this wreath. May the wreath and its light be a sign of the Lord´s promise that brings us salvation. May it come soon and without delay. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
All: "Amen"
The first candle is lit, each week a different family member can light the candle of the week.
Leader:"Let us bless the Lord"
All: (make the sign of the cross) while saying "Let´s thank God".
Leader: We remember the virtue of Faith this week. The Annunciation: The Virgin Mary, like the Jewish people, awaited the coming of El Salvador, prayed, read, meditated, and kept the Holy Scriptures in her heart. We as a family prepare to give our "Yes" in union with Mary at the Annunciation.
Then all the members of the family make a time of silence to interiorize in everything read. They then include a time of intercession where they pray for the needs of the family and each member, their acquaintances, the Church and the whole world.
All: Our Father and Hail Mary.
Leader: Final prayer: "Almighty God, revive in your faithful, at the beginning of Advent, the desire to go out to meet Christ, who is coming, accompanied by good works, so that, placed one day at his right hand, they may deserve to possess the eternal kingdom. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
All: "Amen".
All: Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary for the blessing of the Advent Crown, in thanksgiving to God for the gift of his sweet expectation.