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Categoría: Aprende a orar

Daily prayer for June 30, 2020. God is my source of strength, hope and healing. Today reflection. Tuesday, Devotions of faith

Daily prayer for June 30. Healing for the day tuesday. Today reflection.

Pray the daily prayer for June 30. We present ourselves with a humble but persevering attitude in prayer. In today´s reflection, tuesday, we are going to review our interior. May we find in this daily devotion to tuesday the strength to change our pains and grudges into strength and joy.

"Have mercy on me, Lord, for your goodness, for your great compassion, blot out my faults! Wash me thoroughly from my guilt and purify me from my sin! For I acknowledge my faults and my sin is ever before me". (Psalm 51:3-5)

Time for the Daily Prayer.

Through the daily prayer for the June 30, we place our worries in the loving Presence of God´s Heart. Now find these words of support. Meditate on today´s reflection, tuesday, and be assured that God hears you.

Daily Prayer for June 30.

Eternal Father, I want to thank you for keeping your eyes fixed on me, even when I have lost my faith and let myself be dragged away from you by my lack of trust. You look into my heart and understand how lacking in faith I am; but not because of that, do you take away your protection from me.

I ask you, Lord, through the mercy that comes from your Sacred Heart, to make me stronger, that your mercy may sustain us in moments of storm, that your mercy may never let the boat of my life sink. Your mercy is a great blessing for me and for my people.

Thank you, Lord, for everything you do in my life without me thinking I deserve it. Thank you for your great love and protection when those great blizzards begin to shake everything that I once thought was solid in my life.

Thank you Lord because your favor has no end. Forgive me for forgetting sometimes that your power is stronger than any storm. You know intimately all my ways, you know what worries me, you cover me like a shield. You will give me the strength I need to face every challenge that shakes the foundations of my life.

I want to continue to walk in blessing, under the protection of your protective force. For this, I ask you to increase my faith. I do not want to be afraid, I do not want fears to overcome me and once again lose confidence in your protective love. May I praise and thank you in every moment of my life, whether good or bad "...I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise will always be in my mouth" (Psalm 34:1). I love you Father, I trust in your mercy. Amen

I trust in your blessing which you pour out upon me at this time to fight with all my might and offer others a better version of me. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Today´s reflection, tuesday, June 30.

In order to be saints, it is not necessary to be a bishop, priest, nun or religious. Often we are tempted to think that holiness is reserved only for those who have the possibility of taking a distance from ordinary occupations, in order to dedicate a lot of time to prayer. This is not the case. We are all called to be saints by living with love and offering our own witness in our daily occupations, wherever we are. Are you consecrated? Be holy by living your commitment with joy. Are you married? Be holy by loving and caring for your husband or wife, as Christ did for the Church. Are you a worker? Be holy by fulfilling your work in the service of your brothers and sisters with honesty and competence. Are you a father, grandmother or grandfather? Be holy by patiently teaching children to follow Jesus. Do you have authority? Be holy by fighting for the common good and giving up your personal interests

- Pope Francis, Gaudete et exsultate, I.14

Daily Prayer intentions for June 30.

The daily prayer for June 30 invokes the loving power of God´s healing. We want to be transformed. Opening the heart is the key. Leave your prayer intentions in the comments, whatever you want to say, to express your feelings. God listens to you, he reads to you. You must be sure that your requests will be answered. We will unite ourselves to your intentions. Peace and good. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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