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Categoría: Aprende a orar

Daily prayer for July 3, 2020. God is my source of strength, hope and healing. Today reflection. Friday, Devotions of faith

Daily prayer for July 3. Healing for friday. Today reflection.

Pray the daily prayer for July 3. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all else will be added to you." This means a total trust and surrender in Jesus. Seek to create a unique and personal relationship with that loving God who wants the best for you and me. Always seek to do things pleasing to God, lead a lifestyle of obedience and faithfulness to the things of God; but above all: BELIEVE in his immense mercy. Take refuge in the wounds of Jesus when trouble comes your way, his mercy will never fail you. You will be supplied with the greatest provisions and blessings, even before you ask for them. God loves you, don´t forget.

"I was young and now I am old, but I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread" (Psalm 37:25)

Time for the Daily Prayer.

Through the daily prayer for the July 3, We place our concerns in the loving presence of God´s heart to seek His healing and infinite mercy. This prayer is a support for your life. Meditate with this daily reflection, friday, and be assured that God hears you.

Daily Prayer for July 3.

My Lord, my God, I want to draw near to your mercy, to know that your compassion and your love for me, is something that will always be within my reach. I have full confidence that, in all my needs, You help me to move forward. I trust that your love lives within me. It increases my faith every day so that I never doubt and do not need my eyes to see you in order to believe.

I open my heart to You and give myself with faith and hope, being persevering and faithful, even if I go through a thousand and one storms in my life. I believe in You, in Your power. I ask You to come into my life, and heal all my wounds that have my soul living in anguish and despair. Help me to know that the effectiveness of prayer is not usually the result of an explosion of faith that I had in a single moment, but rather, it is the result of a continuous surrender, a combination of perseverance and daily trust in your fatherly love.

Through your wounds you spread mercy to the world, welcoming sinners who seek you with their hearts and want to leave bad habits behind. Your wounds have renewed in me the burning desire to follow You. I want to touch your wounds on the outcasts and the sick, to bring them to your sweet heart.

"My Lord and my God", is now also my declaration of faith and victory! I believe that you are with me Lord, even though my eyes cannot see you in your glorious body; but I can still see you in the Eucharist, alive and present. You control all my situations, so I give them to you now. I give you all my praise, I give thanks for your Holy Name and for all the peace your presence brings me.

Come and fill me with optimism to overcome my lukewarmness. Give me the strength to resist all that blocks my mind and heart to worship you in spirit and truth. Give me an abundant bath of your love, of your trust, of joy, faith, peace, power, wisdom and courage. May I grow in faith. I entrust myself to your heart, shelter me in your precious and healing wounds. In those wounds I want to live to receive all the comfort I need to restore this spirit weakened by the setbacks of the world. I trust in You, Lord. Amen.

Now, I put myself in your divine arms and I am going to take refuge in your Sacred Heart. I trust in your strength that comes into my life. I trust in your blessing that you pour out upon me at this moment to emerge victorious from my struggles and to grow in love, mind and spirit. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Virgin Mary, be my support and my guide.

Holy Virgin Mary, be the salvation of my soul.

Today´s reflection, friday, July 3.

"This holiness to which the Lord calls you will grow with small gestures. For example: a lady goes to the market to do the shopping, she meets a neighbour and starts talking, and the criticism comes. But this woman says within herself: "No, I will not speak ill of anyone. This is a step in holiness. Then, at home, her son asks her to talk about her fantasies, and even though she is tired she sits down next to him and listens with patience and affection. That is another sanctifying offering. Then she lives a moment of anguish, but she remembers the love of the Virgin Mary, takes the rosary and prays with faith. That is another way of holiness. Then he goes down the street, meets a poor man and stops to talk to him with love. That´s another step".

- Pope Francis, Gaudete et exsultate, I.16

Daily Prayer intentions for July 3.

Act with faith and trust, believe in God´s promises, you will see results according to your faithfulness. Give him your heart and put all your love into everything you do. He is storing up great treasures and rewards in heaven for you. The daily prayer for July 3 in a sigh of hope. If you want your prayer to be heard by God, you must do your part. Your daily actions must be balanced with your prayers. God expects and desires that you do your best, that you put your best effort into what you do, and that you pray as well. Leave your prayer intentions in the comments now, express all those desires and feelings within you. God listens to you, he reads to you. We will unite ourselves to your intentions. Peace and good. Amen.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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