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Pray the daily prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for June 27. Daily devotion praying for all the sick of the world.

Daily prayer for June 27. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is much older than we think. The beginnings of a devotion to the love of God symbolized by the heart of Jesus can be found in the Fathers of the Church, including Origen, St. Ambrose, St. Jerome, St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Irenaeus of Leon, St. Justin Martyr, and St. Cyprian. This devotion can help you know not only "the breath and depth and length and height of the love of Christ (Ephesians 3:18)," but most importantly, that you are loved by God in Jesus Christ. "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. In the daily prayer for June 27, we want to pray to God for all the sick. We present to his Throne of blessings all the diseases of the world.

Daily Devotion for June, 27.

In a letter of May 15, 2006, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote: "In fostering devotion to the Heart of Jesus, we exhort believers to open themselves to the mystery of God and his love and to allow themselves to be transformed by it. After 50 years, it remains an appropriate task for Christians to continue to deepen their relationship with the Heart of Jesus, so that they may revive their faith in God´s saving love and welcome it ever more fully into their lives.

The Heart of Jesus, originates the true knowledge of Jesus Christ and a deeper experience of his love. Thus, according to Benedict XVI, we will be able to understand better what it means to know God´s love in Jesus Christ, to experience it, keeping our eyes fixed on him to the point of living the experience of his love entirely, so that we can later bear witness to him to others. For the daily devotion for June 27, we ask the Sacred Heart for healing for all the sick.

Daily Prayer for June 27.

To the Sacred Heart of Jesus...

The Sacred Heart is our best ally in the spiritual battle. In the daily prayer for June 27, we united all our prayers to ask God for all the sick people of the world.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we want to present to you at this time our sincere prayers for all the sick. In the midst of the mental and physical suffering they may be going through, let the healing touch of your love reach them.

Show your mercy Lord, as you seal up past pains, close unhealed wounds, heal all sickness of body, mind and spirit. You make it all possible. May they find strength and comfort in your healing presence.

Now pass your luminous glimmerings through those broken bodies. Restore their vigour, every part of their being. Free all those bodies that are broken down by illness and find lasting health and total liberation so that they may make full use of all their physical and mental faculties.

Powerful angelic triduum. We invoke you now, to join in the powerful healing love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and thus present your prayers with ours.

St. Michael the Archangel, protector of God´s people, come to the aid of all the sick. Strive to restore the strength of all those who are suffering now. Protect them as they experience divine healing.

St. Gabriel the Archangel, You who are the messenger of the Good News; help each of the sick to hear clearly your voice of authority over their wounded bodies and to receive the anointing of the Word of God so that it may free them from all oppression.

St. Raphael the Archangel, You who are a companion on the journey and outstanding as the healing Angel; we beg You to take as your companions all the sick who now pray this prayer or join in it spiritually. We present to you their illnesses, serious, incurable, painful... raise them to the throne of God´s grace and give them the gift of total recovery and healing.

Good Father, we ask You, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary Immaculate and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to attend with compassion and love to our needs and supplications.

O most holy Heart of Jesus, source of every blessing, I adore You, I love You. I want to offer you this poor heart that is wounded by time. Give me peace and trust in what I do, make me humble, patient. May I be entirely obedient to Your will. Grant me, good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my afflictions; give me bodily health, help in my temporal needs, Your blessing in all I do, and the grace of a holy death. Into Your heart I place all my care. In every need, let me come to You with humble trust saying: Sacred Heart of Jesus help me.

God of Love, of Peace and of healing, help those marked by pain, tears and suffering due to illness. Grant them total healing and that they may enjoy, together with their families, the joy of working your wonderful miracles in them, so that they may have a new beginning to glorify and honor you forever. Amen

Biblical quote for June 27.

"Despised, rejected by men, overwhelmed with sorrows and accustomed to suffering, as one before whom his face is turned away, so despised, that we had him for nothing. But he endured our sufferings and bore our infirmities, and we considered him stricken, smitten of God, and humbled. He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities. The chastisement that gives us peace fell upon him, and by his wounds we were healed. (Isaiah 53:3-5)

Act of Consecration to the Heart of Jesus.

By St. John Paul II.

Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the human race, we turn to your Most Sacred Heart with humility and trust, with reverence and hope, with a deep desire to give you glory, honor and praise. Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, we thank you for all that you are and all that you do. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, we praise You for the love You have revealed through Your Sacred Heart, which was pierced for us and has become the source of our joy, the source of our eternal life. Gathered together in Your name, which is above every name, we consecrate ourselves to Your Most Sacred Heart, in which dwells the fullness of truth and charity. By consecrating ourselves to You, we the faithful (person or place) renew our desire to correspond with love to the rich outpouring of Your merciful and full love. Lord Jesus Christ, King of Love and Prince of Peace, reigns in our hearts and in our homes. Overcome all the powers of the evil one and lead us to participate in the victory of your Sacred Heart. May we all proclaim and give glory to You, the Father and the Holy Spirit, the only God who lives and reigns forever and ever! Amen.

Act of trust.

O Heart of Jesus, at this moment I give myself to you and put all my trust in your love. I fear everything from my weakness, but I expect everything from your goodness. To your heart I entrust this I ask... (Mention your request here)...  My Jesus, I count on You, I trust in You, I rest in You. I´m safe in your heart. Amen.

Request and delivery to the Sacred Heart.

O Lord Jesus Christ, come to Your Sacred Heart at this moment of my life, to entrust to You the following intention... (Mention your request here)...  Hide me under the depths of your sacred wound. Shelter me in the burning fire of your heart´s love. Let your Sacred Heart make an emptying of me and transfer me with its renewing force. I´m counting on you. I trust you. I throw myself on Your mercy. Lord Jesus, I know you will not fail me.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in your love.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, purify me

So many things I have asked of You, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, but this I implore of You, I ask it earnestly. Take it, place it in your open Heart, present it to the Father wrapped in your precious blood. Let it no longer be my prayer, but yours. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. I know I won´t be disappointed. Amen.

Daily Prayer intentions for June 27.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, You radiate healing. No disease can resist your healing love. Please go into every home in the world and give physical, mental and spiritual healing to all those wounded by disease.

"Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and let Your angels take charge of those who sleep. Tend to your sick, O Lord Christ. Rest the weary. Bless your dying ones. Relieve the suffering. Pity your afflicted. Protect the happy. And all for your love. Amen." St. Augustine

The daily prayer for June 27 is a work of mercy. Try to make this plea with faith that God will reward you. Put all prayer requests in the comments. May this Sacred Heart give us hope and strength.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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