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Pray the daily prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for June 17. Daily devotion to freedom from jealousy and rivalry

Daily prayer for June 17. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary, she described her experience of the Lord in this way: "My divine Heart is so impassioned for the human race and for you, in particular, that it cannot retain any longer the repressed flames of its ardent charity. They must burst through you and reveal my heart to the world, to enrich humanity with my treasures. After this revelation, Jesus united his heart with that of Saint Margaret Alacoque in a fusion of mystical love. For the daily prayer for June 17, let us understand why, in order to be united to the Sacred Heart, we must detach ourselves from our rivalries, from those jealousies that invade the heart and do not let it mature spiritually

Daily Devotion for June, 17.

In his Epistle, St. John reveals to us this loving God and tells us that God is love (Cf. 1 John 4), a Father who waits for each one of us, who gives himself for others, who desires our eternal salvation so that we may enjoy with Him the delights of His Kingdom. His entire project of salvation for humanity is centered on a mission of mercy. The Word made flesh became incarnate in the Virgin Mary to make known to us this love of the Father, this infinite mercy that opened up completely in the wound in her side to the bleeding of her Sacred Heart.

If love means wanting the good of the other, completely free from self-interest, we see the perfection of such charity in the burning heart of Christ. And that is why we are going to pray with the daily prayer for June 17. If you want the good of the other we must end jealousy and rivalries, grow more in the love of God.

Daily Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In this daily prayer for June 17, we are going to make a small interior review of a feeling that we all have, some more than others, and that we must avoid at all costs: jealousy, rivalry. May God give us a total deliverance from this enemy of the heart.

Beloved Father, with much shame I come before You at this moment, to confess that I have had some feelings unworthy of a child of God. I have felt jealousy that has led me to rivalry with the other.

You know everything that goes on in my heart. Help me to soften it, to let go, to let go, and to look at the progress of others with great joy as if it were for myself.

There are times, Lord, when I have asked you for things I need in my life, and I have not really asked for them as I should have. Today, I´m sure that what I´m asking you for is for my personal well-being and that of all of my people

Free me from those jealousies that lead me down paths of winning enemies and rivalries that only lead to my own social destruction. Help me work on my heart. Remove the wrong desires that dwell in him and replace them with those that align with your word.

I fight against this jealousy every day, Lord, because I know it doesn´t do me any good. I feel bad when I see everyone around me advancing and prospering in their lives, while I continue to struggle with great effort and be in the same place.

I do not want to feel this, Lord, for your word assures me that jealous people are cut off from your graces. Root out that unhealthy jealousy in my heart so that it can make way for that pure love you have placed within me.

Help me to behave like a child of God, teach me to appreciate others, never to see them as rivals, but as companions on the journey to eternity.

Lord Jesus, free me from all the worries that burden my mind, for they are the reason for many of my jealousies. Give me the grace to control those bad inclinations when they´re just appearing. Teach me to be happy for my friends and family when they succeed. Purify my mind, help me walk that path that pleases you.

My God, my Lord, give me a heart that rejoices when others are blessed and mourns when others suffer. Wash, cleanse, purify my mind, heart and spirit and make me a new creature in your love. Forgive me for not appreciating all the blessings I have at present. Help me be happy with what you have given me today knowing that other blessings will come that you have prepared for me on this path.

I trust that today I will be free of all rivalry and jealousy will be removed from my heart. I await the blessing of your Holy Spirit so that I may open the eyes of my soul and be happy with all that you have given me. I love you Lord, I trust in your healing. Amen

Biblical quote for June 17.

"Be of one love, one heart, one mind. Do nothing out of rivalry or vainglory, and let humility lead you to esteem others as superior to yourself. Let each one seek not only his own interest, but also that of others. (Philippians 2,2b-4)

Act of Consecration to the Heart of Jesus.

To St. John Paul II.

Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the human race, we turn to your Most Sacred Heart with humility and trust, with reverence and hope, with a deep desire to give you glory, honor and praise. Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, we thank you for all that you are and all that you do. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, we praise You for the love You have revealed through Your Sacred Heart, which was pierced for us and has become the source of our joy, the source of our eternal life. Gathered together in Your name, which is above every name, we consecrate ourselves to Your Most Sacred Heart, in which dwells the fullness of truth and charity. By consecrating ourselves to You, we the faithful (person or place) renew our desire to correspond with love to the rich outpouring of Your merciful and full love. Lord Jesus Christ, King of Love and Prince of Peace, reigns in our hearts and in our homes. Overcome all the powers of the evil one and lead us to participate in the victory of your Sacred Heart. May we all proclaim and give glory to You, the Father and the Holy Spirit, the only God who lives and reigns forever and ever! Amen.

Act of trust.

O Heart of Jesus, at this moment I give myself to you and put all my trust in your love. I fear everything from my weakness, but I expect everything from your goodness. To your heart I entrust this I ask...

- Mention your request here -

My Jesus, I count on You, I trust in You, I rest in You. I´m safe in your heart. Amen.

Request and delivery to the Sacred Heart.

O Lord Jesus Christ, come to Your Sacred Heart at this moment of my life, to entrust to You the following intention

- Mention your request here -

Hide me under the depths of your sacred wound. Shelter me in the burning fire of your heart´s love. Let your Sacred Heart make an emptying of me and transfer me with its renewing force. I´m counting on you. I trust you. I throw myself on Your mercy. Lord Jesus, I know you will not fail me.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in your love.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, purify me

So many things I have asked of You, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, but this I implore of You, I ask it earnestly. Take it, place it in your open Heart, present it to the Father wrapped in your precious blood. Let it no longer be my prayer, but yours,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. I know I won´t be disappointed. Amen.

Daily Prayer intentions for June 17.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, on this day I want you to help me get rid of those bad feelings of jealousy that, at some point in my life, I allowed to grow in my heart.

Through the daily prayer for june 17, we look inside ourselves. Do you feel great jealousy for the progress and benefits that some family or friends have acquired and you look like you´re stuck? It´s time to put all that into prayer. Write your prayer intentions in the comments. Put all the prayer requests you want to ask that pious Heart to free us from all evil. We´ll pray for you.

Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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