God placed St. Joseph of Nazareth in the plan for the salvation of Humanity. You need to be devoted to Saint Joseph to protect your home and family.
Protect your family and your home by being a devotee of St. Joseph.
If you don´t know why you need to be devoted to St. Joseph these days, I want to say, first of all, that he is the patron saint of the universal Church. He is also the patron of Catholic families and homes. He watches over the Church with the same care with which he watched over the Holy Family, over Jesus and Mary. He helps us protect our homes and families from dangers and guides us as he did his son Jesus.
Catholics all over the world pray to St. Joseph to protect their homes, when they are going through a serious hardship, when they are in financial need or need help with a pressing need such as selling their property.
Pope Francis and St. Joseph.
One of the details that few people know is that Pope Francis began his pontificate on the day the Catholic Church celebrates St. Joseph of Nazareth. The Saint is a great devotee of St. Joseph of Nazareth. In his private room, Pope Francis has an image of St. Joseph of Nazareth.
One of the first things Pope Francis did was to incorporate St. Joseph of Nazareth into the Mass during the Eucharistic Prayer. For Christians who don´t know it, the Eucharistic Prayer is the central part of the Mass, where the priest invokes the Holy Spirit.
Pope Francis also consecrated Vatican City to St. Joseph of Nazareth and has asked for his protection for that city, since, and well, we know, the Vatican is the city most attacked by Satan in the whole world.
FEMEN (radical feminist group) have gone to the Vatican trying to perform all kinds of filth and grotesque marches full of rage and insults, gay lobbies walk around the Vatican squares asking for the approval of the wrongly called gay marriage. Even singers who call themselves Christians criticize priests and nuns in the Vatican! How Satan attacks the Vatican City and its inhabitants.
Before his trip to the European Parliament, where Pope Francis gave a spectacular speech to European politicians. There, Pope Francis, before a largely atheist community, boldly expressed his faith and asked for the intercession of St. Joseph of Nazareth.
Pope Francis has mentioned several times his admiration and love for St. Joseph of Nazareth. And one of his much loved devotions to this Saint is the devotion to St. Joseph asleep, as he helps us to protect families and homes.
Why you need to be devoted to St. Joseph.
Everything we mentioned above means that all Christians, starting with Pope Francis, need St. Joseph of Nazareth. Pope Francis is setting the example for other Christians to be devoted to St. Joseph of Nazareth and make him part of their Christian life.
If Almighty God put St. Joseph of Nazareth in the plan for the salvation of Humanity, who are you to say that you do not need St. Joseph of Nazareth? Let us seek the powerful help of St. Joseph to protect our homes and families in these times when the traditional family is under attack.
Today is March 19, St. Joseph of Nazareth Day. I think it is a great opportunity to go to Mass and ask for the intercession of St. Joseph of Nazareth. If St. Joseph of Nazareth protected the Lord Jesus, God Almighty, how much more will he protect you and your family.
Prayer to St. Joseph.
Blessed St. Joseph, patron of all workers, thank you for the opportunity to build God´s kingdom through my work. Help me to strive in my work that I may give the full measure I have received. May I do all things in a spirit of thankfulness and joy, ever mindful of the gifts I have received from God that enable me to perform these tasks. Let me work in peace, patience and moderation, bearing in mind the account I must one day give for the time lost, the talents not used, the good omitted and the vanity of success, so fatal to the work of God. Glorious St. Joseph, may my labors be all for Jesus, all through Mary, and all according to your holy example in life and in death. Amen.