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Categoría: Familia

Prayer for families: For peace and joy in the family we must work for unity, prepare to live in solidarity

The members of the family, taught by the Word of God, comforted by the sacraments and the help of grace, and radiating the spirit of the Gospel, become a small living portion of the Church, which must bear witness to the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the world, through unity, fidelity of the spouses and among others, the teaching of God´s love for children.

Fostering moments in the family.

What parents teach in childhood has great importance for the future life of their children, and for this reason, moments should be provided in the different circumstances of life to refer to God, in the joys and pains; hopes and sorrows; triumphs and failures, births and birthdays; wedding anniversaries; trips, separations and returns; important moments; the death of loved ones, etc.

In a family it is very important to learn to unify criteria and values. (Cf. Ephesians 4:3) We are commanded to live in unity within the family; in our environment.

For there to be peace in our home we must work to establish unity, to prepare our own to live in Christian solidarity. This was precisely the prayer that Jesus said to the Father:

"Holy Father, keep those you have given me in your name, that they may be one, just as we are." (John. 17,11b)

Solidarity in the family.

Today, family separations are frequent for various reasons: conditions of poverty, work, studies, etc., which implies the generalization of foreigners in our countries or the reverse, brothers and sisters abroad.

This phenomenon should awaken in us feelings of Christian solidarity, which starts from contemplation, which is work, is company, is presence, but is also action for good, is the Eucharist.

The Christian, as the image and likeness of God, is called to live this solidarity. It is obvious that the divine attitude cannot be imitated as long as we have not previously interiorized the example of this God who becomes solidarity in the Eucharist.

Prayer for the families.

Thank you Lord Jesus, for the family you gave me, help us to be united, even if we are physically separated, awaken in us feelings of love and understanding for each other, feelings of Christian solidarity in care and respect.

Give us feelings of true charity, which, as St. Teresa said, consists in bearing with our neighbour´s faults, in not being surprised by his or her weaknesses.

Open our hearts to welcome those who find themselves alone, downcast, far from their families. May the distance strengthen them more and awaken feelings of true charity, of love and understanding for one another, feelings of Christian solidarity in caring for and respecting those in need.

Help us so that families may live love, mercy and forgiveness to the full.

Holy Mother, pray for the families, look at us, because if you look at us, Jesus will look at us.

St. Joseph, protector of the Holy Family, faithful to fulfill and obedient to the divine designs, blesses our families.

Infinitely be praised, My adorable Child Jesus.


Redacción y edición: Qriswell Quero,

pildorasdefe qriswell quero firma autorQriswell Quero, Venezuelan, faithful husband and father of a family. Electronic engineer and missionary of the faith. Committed to the proclamation of the Gospel. Solid believer that there are always new beginnings. Whoever has God has nothing to stop him.

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